NEED THE CONSTANT CHANGE. Have quite an admiration for the arts.. love to paint, throw clay (sculpt),charcoal
sketch and the sorts. Also enjoy poetry slams, motorcycles, photography (black and white film ), drums, cooking, a good ol' debate.. it helps keep my brain from rotting. Montreal. :)..
Congrats, my friend! You are awesome. you love
music w/ a passion just like me! You love your
genre(s) of music, but you respect other genres
as well. good for you. you've done well. send
me a message sometime...i might reply.
What does music mean to you?
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Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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Oprah and then start a little turmoil on her show.
Metal, le Jazz, le blues, les classiques, Soul, Ska.. you know all that good stuff.
Listing my favorite bands is like stating my favorite moment.. It's never ceasing.
What Kind of Metalhead Are You?
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
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The classics.. anything that can make my head roll off from laughing so hard, make me cry until my cheeks are blue, scare the shit out of me (literally) or cause my cranium to explode, trying to grasp its concept.
Once again, the list is never ceasing.