MuSiC is life -punk rock-old rock-industrial-metal-reggea core-ska,etc..... One pill makes u larger and 1 pill makes u small n the ones that mother gives u dont do anything at all. GOASK ALICE! when shes 10 feet tall n if u go chasing rabbits n u kno ur going to fall tell them hookah-smoking caterpillar has given u the call CALL ALICE! when she was just small when the men on the chessboard get up n tell u where to go n uv had sum kind of mushroom n ur mind is moving low GO ASK ALICE! i think she'll kno when logic n proportion hav fallen softly dead n the white knights talking bakwards n the red queen says 'off with her head' remember wut the doormouse said FEED UR HEAD FEED UR HEAD
BEETLEJUICE,edward sissor hands,the nightmare be4 christmas,ppl under the stairs,basketball diaries,house of 1000 corpes,good fellas,dazed n confused,pulp fiction,blow,walt disney,cool world,the cell,snatch,13,harry potter,animal house,reality bites,legend,alot more....
there r things known and unknown and in between r the doors.