R i c k y profile picture

R i c k y

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

VALIDATION.................In psychology and human communication, validation is the reciprocated communication of respect which communicates that the other's opinions are acknowledged, respected, heard, and (regardless whether or not the listener actually agrees with the content), they are being treated with genuine respect as a legitimate expression of their feelings, rather than marginalized or dismissed................. "Alas! Our penetration increases as we grow older, and we are no longer deceived by great words when unrealized and unembodied. Say rather, we detect littleness in expressions and thoughts that once we should have taken and cited as proofs of strength."... Ralph Waldo Emerson....."The only thing women hate more than being viewed as a sexual object....is NOT being viewed as a sexual object.".....I saw this on the tag for the main picture going into this strippers site on myspace.....I was just doing research....purely for the knowledge....please......it kinda explains the frustration some of us men go through trying to understand how to treat a woman...I also sent it to many people that I communicate with often, and a woman that I have a long acquaintance with, for lack of a better brief explanation, sent this back to me:...Treat a woman in the way that is honest from YOUR heart. period...all women want to be beautiful (in the eyes of someone). we all want to shine the feminine radiance that is our gift to give. and we want someone to see that/ feel that/react to that. we do want a man to say wow and turn a head every so often . we also want to be treated with respect and as a whole person not just an ogle and a "boink"...age makes a difference too. when i was younger i was constantly bombarded with men gaping at me and i felt very imposed on. my reaction was "'boink' off". now as an older woman when a man reacts to my physical beauty i smile . nice to be appreciated. at an age when my shakti (female force) is seen as culturally declining. things change with time and age and experience. and wisdom.. men need to be able to learn to be appropriate with who it is theyre "appreciating" and HOW they do it. we need to protect and care for our younger women. not mess with their heads and hearts...comprende? .......

My Interests

Sharing ideas, sex, living on and working my farm, photography, fishing, creating, and living life one day at a time........... I once was a very poor man, and I would go to the places that they had set up to sell your blood plasma. The nurses that would put the needles in your arms would have personal conversation as they were standing over you, and act like you were not even there, and when you made a comment about what they were saying, sometimes they would give you a dirty look, or act like your comment was irrelevant, or say something like...this is a private conversation...who are you to be saying something about it?....this reminds me of what a lot of people tend to do on myspace....if you want to have a private conversation, then have a private conversation, and dont paste it over the internet for all to see, and act offended when someone who is just enjoying themselves, makes a comment to your remarks.....you are just playing games, and it is a very poor reflection on the kind of person you are.....a much poorer reflection on you then the person who is commenting on your conversation.

I'd like to meet:

......."Be careful one day you might wake up and realize you lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones".......I actually never thought about using MySpace for meeting anyone. But lately I have had the opportunity to share with several different and new people in my life, and one woman I know said that she loves my mind and I think the sharing and interest that you show in each other if you love the way that person thinks, is of primary importance. Second to that is a woman should be as interested in keeping herself fit as I am, and I want a woman that I find attractive, that wants to have a beautiful body to present to me, as much as I want to give the same to her. Just cant see sporting a big fat belly, and treating a woman badly, because it is her comfort zone. IT'S NOT MY THING.I didn't mention family or children, because every situation is different, and the ability to love the mind of the person you are with, kind of covers how all that works out. The hardest thing for me is to stop accepting less than I am looking for in a woman's mind, because her body and physical appearance have been attractive to me.It can be tricky sometimes...........I am addicted to endorphins.......(see blog)


Toby Keith, Dan Seals, Garth Brooks, Gordon Lightfoot, Mike and The Mechanics, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Sterling Gray, Randy Travis, The Eagles, Rod Stewart, Roger Whittaker, Neil Diamond, John Denver, George Jones, Toby Keith, The Righteous Brothers and others...this is a work in progress right?


The Razors Edge, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Garp, Forest Gump, Dune, Lethal Weapon, Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions, The Chronicles of Riddick, Fahrenheit 9/11, Hellboy, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Dreamcatcher, Die Another Day, The Scorpion King, X-Men, X-Men II, Independence Day, Ghost, Meet Joe Black, The Time Machine, Star Wars, Highlander, Spider Man, Ice Age, The Lord of the Rings, The Sixth Day, Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Temple of Doom, The Last Crusade, The Mask, Pirates of the Carribean, Less Than Zero, Dreamcatcher, Harry Potter, What Dreams May Come, National Treasure, and the list goes on.


Sci-fi shows and movies, Craig Ferguson, Smallville, CSI Miami, NCIS, KPTS, Old reruns are often enjoyable.


The Tenth Insite,The Celestine Prophecy, Imaging, the Bible (the starting point of my journey) and this list will grow as I unpack my library...


Clark Kent, My Mother and Father, Nelson Mandela, my friend Lauree, and a few others......... "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."

My Blog

Lustful view of Women

I was looking at a very beautiful woman on one of the profiles, and I said something that I think I would like to restate here:One of the things that I really like about MySpace, is that if they find...
Posted by R i c k y on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 03:20:00 PST