Chucho mi Chucha!
Manimals...and Womanimals.
Jug Jug Jug Jug Jug Jug Doom!, Jug Jug Jug Jug Jug Jug Jug Doom! I also like that one that goes... Oom pa Oom Pa Oom Pa dum dum dum dum Oom Pa! blickem blickem blickem Chack!
you mean the talkies. they scare me.
I can't stop watching VH1. I'm dying inside.
right now i'm reading the people's history of the united states by howard zinn. nothing makes you feel more like getting up in the morning and kissing the sun than learning that your country's heritage is based on rape, theft, and murder. Got's to get me some of that.
Your Mom