VEGA INTERNATIONAL profile picture



About Me

adopt your own virtual pet! I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( mia prima foto....avevo 17 anni ...con la mia webcam.Sono Vega, un’entità suprema, la neve d’estate e l’acqua nel deserto,sono la luce che illuminerà il buio dei tuoi giorni, saprò renderti felice, con me starai bene, potrai nutrirti di me, perché sarò il tuo cibo, in cambio vorrò il tuo amore, amami che ti amo,bruciami che ti brucio, staremo insieme e staremo bene, alimenteremo il fuoco della passione, daremo alla luce qualcosa di unico, si chiama amore. Consumami che ti consumo, baciami che ti bacio, creeremo qualcosa di solido, di puro, di vero e infinito amore. Sono Vega, vengo da lontano, stringimi, abbracciami ed uccidimi. Vola con me, fallo con me, scappa via, fuggi con me, liberati di tutto, prendimi al volo, perché presto sparirò. Fallo con me. Prendimi e insieme voleremo lontano, avanti ti sto aspettando non farmi aspettare troppo, stringimi, baciami , sei l’anello mancante completerai il ciclo, insieme formeremo una congiunzione astrale. La congiunzione Vega, porteremo la felicità per il mondo intero, abbracciami , andiamo, agganciati a me, stringimi, ed amami per sempre. ............................................................ ..........................................................VE GA_INTERNATIONAL

Aggiungi al profilo personale | Altri videoNEW LOOK

Aggiungi al mio pofilo | altri VideoI'm Vega, a supreme entity, the snow of summer and the water in the desert, is the light that will illuminate the dark of your days, will know to render you happy, with me will be well, be able to be nourished of me, because I will be your food, in exchange will want your love, love me that I love you, it burns me that I burn to you, we will be with and be well, will feed the fire of the passion, will give to the light something of only, calls love. It consumes to me that I consume to you, kisses to me that you kiss, we will create something of solid, pure, true and infinite love. I'm Vega, I come from far away, you tighten to me, embraces to me and you kill to me. It flies with me, it makes it with me, run away, escapes with me, freed of all, takes me to the flight, because soon I will disappear. It makes it with me. You take to me and entirety we will fly far away, ahead I am waiting for it does not make to you me to wait for too much, it tightens to me, kisses to me, the six lacking ring you will complete the cycle, entirety we will form one astral conjunction. The conjunction Vega, we will carry the happiness for the entire world, embraces to me, we go, couples me to you, you tighten to me, and love me in order always.

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My Interests

Sono un grande appassionato di fotografia manuale e digitale, adoro fotografare persone , oggetti, animali, paesaggi e autoscatti, ma soprattutto realizzare e comporre foto molto colorate, il mio fotografo preferito è David La Chapelle dal quale prendo molta ispirazione. Mi occupo di fotoritocco digitale e restauro di vecchie foto.They are a great fan of photography manual and digita them, I adore to photograph persons, objects, animals, landscapes and timers, but above all to realize and to compose colorful photos much, my preferred photographer is David the Chapelle from which I take much inspiration. I take care myself of fotoritocco digita them and restoration of old photos.

I'd like to meet:



POP, RnB, Rap,Soul, Madonna, Cher, Sonny & Cher, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Dana International, No Doubt, Missy Elliot, Lil’Kim, Mina, Bond, Aaliyah, TLC, Tiziano Ferro, Paola&Chiara, Marina Rei, Loredana Bertè, Ru Paul, Jay Z, Jennifer Lopez,George Micheal, Geri halliwell, Eminem,Destiny’s child, Dirotta su cuba, Articolo 31 e tutti coloro che riescono a far trasparire le loro emozioni utilizzando le canzoni, le stesse che ti aiutano ad andare avanti e ad addolcire la vita.


L Luscious
U Unusual
K Keen
E Enjoyable
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From .................. ............................................................ ........... ........................................................... ......................Moulin rouge,SIMONE, hedwig and the anry inch, hocus pocus, addams family, all marilyn monroe movies, la mala education, she davil, funny girl funny lady, tank girl, prey for a rock and roll, mermaids, moonstruck and many more ..




- Leggo tutti quei libri che ti permettono di sognare e allontanarti per un po’ dalla realtà quotidiana, anche le biografie e spesso tutti quei libri con le copertina accattivanti, ecco qualche esempio: Ray Bradbury: L’albero di Halloween, Ritornati dalla polvere, Il grande mondo di laggiù, Il Cimitero dei folli, Paese d’ottobre, Il popolo d’autunno. Jack O’Connel “Il tempio della pelle”, Sebastiano Vassalli “La chimera”, Marco Giusti “Moana”, Thomas M.Disch “La strega”, Oriana Fallaci “La rabbia e l’orgoglio”, Antonio Spinosa “Cleopatra”, Barbara Victor “Goddess”, Hollywood Lawn “Coi tacchi alti nei bassifondi”, Camilla Raznovich e Marco Rossi “Loveline”, Roald Dahl “Le streghe”, Alina Reyes “Una notte con Marilyn”, Leo De Palma “Immacolata trasgressione”, Massimo Tosti “Cleopatra L’ultimo faraone”, Franco Cardini “Giovanna D’arco”, Emile Zola “Nanà”, Primo Levi “Se questo è un uomo”, Kandisky “Punto linea e superficie”. ............................................................ ..........................................................I read to all those books that they allow you to dream and to remove you for little from the daily truth, also the biographies and often all those winning books with the cover, here some example: Ray Bradbury: The tree of Halloween, Returns to you from the powder, the great world of laggiù, the Cemetary of the crowds, Country of October, the autumn people. Jack Or' Connel “the tempio of the skin”, Sebastiano Vassalli “the chimera”, Mark Just “Moana”, Thomas M.Disch “the witch”, Oriana Fallaci “the anger and the pride”, Spiny Antonio “Cleopatra”, Barbara Victor “Goddess”, Hollywood Lawn “With the high heels in the slums”, Camilla Raznovich and Mark Rossi “Loveline”, Roald Dahl “the witches”, Alina Reyes “a night with Marilyn”, Leo De Palma “Immaculate trasgressione”, Maximum Toasts “Cleopatra the last Pharaoh”, Franc Hinges “Giovanna Of arc”, Emile Zola “Nanà”, Primo Levi “If this is a man”, Kandisky “Point line and surface”.



My Blog

the beach 2007 p;videoid=16347639
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:44:00 PST

CHER wallpaper of 70’s

i have just do this wallpaper, ispired from cher's logo of 70's .. i like purple color and the little heart ... it's simple ... but i like it : ) ...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:44:00 PST

my first video p;videoid=11061365   when i was young until 2004...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 08:36:00 PST

my second video 2007

my second video 2007 p;videoid=13772345   my new look july 2007...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 08:37:00 PST


my mother today does this cake, chocolate outside, chocolate inside..... i love CHOCOLATE..... mom i love you ..
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:26:00 PST


Now that he has gone I rememberThe words he used to wisper so tenderThe words that tried, with ever and everForever and forever, for always togetherAll the things I tried dind`t help meAnd still I he...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 06:44:00 PST


with time goes everything One forgets the face and the voice the heart when its built up should not look too far into the grief of departure when it doesn't go well let it be and its q...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 06:42:00 PST


When the spot lights hits my face I'm alive The stage is where I always survive The only that I want to be When I hear the audience coming in For me the magic stars to begin And th...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 06:26:00 PST

We All Sleep Alone

Somebody, somewhere turns off the lights Somebody all alone faces the night You've got to be strong When you're out on your own 'Cause sooner or later we all sleep alone Nobody, nowhere holds the key ...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:09:00 PST

Needles And Pins

Saw him today I saw his face, it was the face I love And I knew I had to run away And get down on my knees and pray That they go away but still they begin Needles and pins Because of all my pride The ...
Posted by VEGA INTERNATIONAL on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:07:00 PST