Member Since: 7/20/2005
Band Members: Me Myself and I.....Oh yeah Approach and Mac Lethal sometimes
Influences: TOO MANY TO LIST...
Irish people have emotions too. That being said, after playing over 100 shows on 3 separate tours in under 6 months-- Mac Lethal had a lot of emotions with no target to throw them at. It seemed that he couldn't go a night without a few drinks, or without calling people on the phone to have conversations about the perils of life. His friend DJ Sku began to get worried for him. He decided it was time to make the first Mac Lethal mixtape."I basically sat him down and explained to him that all he needs to do is rap over whatever music I play him, and this will calm him down and regulate his chaotic emotions." Sku explains. "We'd sit at the house. I'd play a beat, give Mac a 6 pack of Old Rasputin, or Schlafley's Summer Kolsch, and I'd leave the room. An hour later I'd come back and Mac would have a new mixtape song done."Crafted drunkly over the course of June and July, Mac Lethal and DJ Sku's CROWN PRIME RIB MIXTAPE, is a journey through extravagant rhythms, impeccable rhyme writing, and very odd concepts over DJ Sku's favorite turntable canvases.Black Clover Records is proud to finally have stake in the mixtape game. Rappers beware, while you're being the best rapper ever, this drunken, bald-headed Irish boy might trip and fall into you, shattering your front teeth. And being that he doesn't have insurance, you will talk fucked up for the rest of your life.Enjoy the mixtape!
Record Label: Black Clover
Type of Label: Indie