In the winter of 2005, Tyler "Fransic" Anderson (keys, vocals), and Braden Young (drums, vocals) began writing, recording, and playing live music together in their home town of Lawrence, KS. The duo make up the Will Nots and feature a rotating cast of musicians that includes the likes of Christopher Demby (bass), Charlie Naramore (bass vocals), Ru Hu (violin) and Miles Bonny (horns), all featured live or recorded.
In 2007 the Will Nots got together with fellow musician Yossarian Cardin-Ritter, and tapped into an initiate known as, The Screaming Lantch. During this time, the Will Nots became the ILL KNOTS, manifesting themselves as messengers from past worlds, both light and dark.
Currently, the Will Nots are wrapping up their new E.P. GEMME out 01/01/09, featuring engineer/guitar player, James Piller, vocalist Lauren Mayhew, and celist/vocalist Hugh Naughtin.
Young lives in Arcata, CA, where he is brewing beer, playing and studying music. Fransic still resides in Lawrence, KS, where he is recording/writing, and playing regional shows.