Vanessa profile picture


1/2 Brazilian. Well, my bottom half is...

About Me

I'm the coolest dork you'll ever meet!

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Acting, Dancing, hiking, music, good food, people watching, bacon, traveling, kissing, THE BEACH!! Boxing! Sleeping in and cuddling with my man and laughing so hard you cry and almost pee your pants!

I'd like to meet:

No one.... I have enough friends and they are all fabulous!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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Stevie Wonder, The Roots, De la Soul, Miles Davis, Steel Pulse, Ben Harper, St. Germaine, Rage Against the Machine, Radioinactive, The White Stripes, oh my god this list could really go on forever.................basically all types of music......... .. width="425" height="350" ..


The Royal Tenenbaums, In America, American Beauty, Kill Bill, Star Wars, Bamboozled, Napoleon Dynamite, The Princess Bride, Gone with the Wind, The Big Lebowski, Requim for a Dream, any Monty Python movies! What about Bob.


The Celestine Prophecy, 1984, Gandhi, The Da Vinci Code, Fast Food Nation, Stupid White Men. I tend to read mostly of my favorite playwrights is Shanley.


My Mommy Rose and my beautiful sister Viva!

My Blog

Ahhh...the Master Cleanse!!!

Ok, so it's that time again for Vanessa. I started the master cleanse today and it's already difficult. I have a feeling this time 'round is NOT going to be as easy. I need support!! No, biggy, I'm ju...
Posted by Vanessa on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:46:00 PST

Pills! Pills! Pills!

I love getting my wisdom teeth pulled! Just sitting at home fucked up on pills! Hell yeah!
Posted by Vanessa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST