Abria profile picture


About Me

About me huh? Well, considering I'm learning more and more about me everyday it'd be difficult to explain who I am. Consider where you've been, the people you've met, influences both good and bad, your family, friends, music, literature, exploration, environment & nature? Any and everything I've experienced is who I am and what has brought me to where I am today. "You have to apply what you learn, no talk talk talk" ~ My Mother.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

There's something about myspace that is quite interesting: the way its organized to draw me back into the system over and over again. Though I love to keep in touch with my friends and meeting new folks I feel that we can still keep in touch the "old school" way. Drop me a line on my email address if I don't answer off of myspace, and I will get back to ya'll asap. Iat'... pranaforce@hotmail.com

My Blog

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