I love anything outdoors, anything Cavalli~Versace and so on. But my main passion is singing, being on stage and speaking to people through art. And yes with that being involved in charities can't turn down a child or sick animal. It makes you appreciate the world around you. And if I could help just one child love the arts the way i do, and express their pain through positive energy, instead of gang violence and so on. It makes this world not seem so bad.
"Turn Me On" feat. Papa Roach & Buckcherry
Rock n Roll
My future RECORD Label!!! And a few others but for now the first one will do.Eventually my future husband who will be the ONE and whenever that happen's he can be sure to know that I would love him and take care of him in everyway possible...as long as the feeling is mutual...and believe me he will be a very lucky man. Okay I'm just hoping that when that day comes I feel as lucky as I am cocky! HA HA HA
Blues, Jazz, COUNTRY....yeah that's right! and that's what I sing as well. New age Blues and country!!! And have appreciation for all music as long as it has a good message for the most part. But my music, as in by me, will be my most cherished just trying to get that where I would like it to be. So if anyone wants to help plant a seed for a born2be star....fill free and drop me a line!
The Cutting Edge, The Sound of Music, Annie, Borat, Zoolander, to be cont
Duh...Desperate Housewives!! Grey's Anatomy, Anything on DISCOVERY...yep big dork. MTV & VH1 & CMT...and things that are better left unsaid. Cappitto.
The fountainhead, Altus Shrugged, The Alchemist, Disgrace,
My Mother and Ientje. Thank you mommy for always putting up with me, and Ientje for always being there along the way you will always be my second mom.