Member Since: 5/30/2006
Band Members: Sam Babayan: Vocals/Guitars;Adam S.: Guitars/Backing Vocals;Hiuro: Organ, Piano, Keyboards;Mike Schron / Chris Jago: Drums;Lee Butterfield: Bass
Influences: Shamanic experiences, experiments, misery, lovers, books, Buddah, halucinogens, accidents, happiness, friends, Native American folklore, something cool someone said, back-stabbers, white majik, alcoholic poetry, a really dope guitar riff, freedom, sex, Krishna, grass, discomfort, joy, depression, nature, dreams at night, Jesus Christ, children, punks, hippies, fobers, gangsters, the Devil himself, corporate slaves, a drum beat that pounds in your fucking head, drinking buddies, this city, intelectuals, sluts, a good mood, meditation, contradictions, tweekers and junkies, a good film, paintings, upheaval, rebellion...and Eric Clapton.
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie