DARFOUR - make some little wonders happen profile picture

DARFOUR - make some little wonders happen

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Salut tout monde,I'm planing together with my dear friend Sebastien Joly a tribute concert for ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM (ACF). We have already some muisicians/bands and parrains. But, of course, we need some SPONSORS, too. :O))) ...So, mes Cheris, don't hesitate; if you know someone, who will support us financially and if you want to join us and have a great time ... if you want to make some little wonders happen for the children of DARFOUR .... give me or Sebastien a message. We look forward to you!!!Many big kissesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!**************************** *******************

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**********************************************************Sa muel le Bihan about the situation in DARFOUR and his work there. --- Take also a look at www.actioncontrelafaim.org; support their work for the saving of Darfour. Thank you. ------- Interviews de Samuel le Bihan a propos le situation de DARFOUR et son travail pour "action contre la faim". Voir aussi www.actioncontrelafaim.org; soutenir le travail de "action contre la faim". Sauver DARFOUR! Merci.Interview with/Interview avec "Medecins sans frontieres": -----------------------------------------------------» Quelle est la situation générale au Darfour ? Depuis les accords d'Abuja en mai 2006, la situation a évolué vers une fragmentation des groupes armés : forces rebelles et pro-gouvernementales sont aujourd'hui éclatées en dizaines de groupes qui s'affrontent et créent un contexte d'insécurité. La violence se traduit le plus souvent par des affrontements sporadiques, des raids sur des villages et des attaques ciblées, y compris à l'encontre des humanitaires. Plus de deux millions de personnes sont toujours déplacées, et dépendent essentiellement de l'aide humanitaire internationale pour leur survie. Mais si rien n'est résolu sur le plan politique et que les violences se poursuivent, nous ne sommes plus dans un contexte de massacres de masse commis par les forces gouvernementales, comme en 2003-2004. (Source MSF) ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- How would you describe the situation for civilians in Darfur today?Over a two-week period, I visited three regions of Darfur and what struck me most was the everyday insecurity faced by people living there. Although the violence may not be as intense as it was in 2003 and early 2004, civilians continue to be killed. The two million displaced people living in camps or settlement areas risk attack whenever they venture to collect firewood or water; effectively turning these areas into prisons, with violence both inside and out. Hundreds of thousands of more people remain out of reach, cut off from humanitarian assistance by the ongoing conflict. (Source MSF)***************************************************----- ---------- Write petitions and letters to the governments of your countries and to the government of Sudan and Tchad ( See: www.amnesty.org )------------ ... Let some little wonders happen for the children of DARFOUR ... HELP! ... ------------------ Thank you ... Merci ... Danke ...... To be continued .................

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Salut tout monde, I'm planing together with my dear friend Sebastien Joly a tribute concert for ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM (ACF). We have already some muisicians/bands and one parrain. But, of course, we ...
Posted by DARFOUR - make some little wonders happen on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:44:00 PST