the empty bottle, guitarrorism/guitarmistice, lit, tangents, tea w/ honey, mix CDs, travelling, night drives, quackery, hoaxes, words, fugue, writing, rhyme, all night diners, cryptograms, losing time, board games, hands, daguerreotypes, sepia tone, lists, tracing curves.
A concert friend, a drinking buddy, a traveling companion. Bands to interview. Sexual iconoclasts. Witty, wonderful women with writer's block. People who like to people-watch. Curious parties. Sushi chefs. People who like the name Madria. People who have heard of Ern Malley. Other people who've seen the ill-fated Lynch-Frost show "On the Air." Bluegrass musicians. The duck people (not to be confused with Howard). Someone who wants to pick a Soul Calibur fight. That woman with the "Death Cock" hat.
currently listening to: Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Blueberry Boat, 69 Love Songs, Spiderland, The Kinks, The Modern Lovers, Buster Poindexter, Sonic Nurse, Vandermark 5, Pink Flag, The Album Leaf, !!!, Antics, Tago Mago, Controller.Controller, Cyann & Ben, Espers, Tarentel, Tangiers, Franz Ferdinand, Ghost, Les Savy Fav, Mclusky, Metric, PJ Harvey, ...
The Decalogue, Closely Watched Trains, Vernon FL, Aronofsky, Kaufman scripts, American Splendor, Fight Club, LOTR, Greenaway, Indiana Jones(s), Lost in Translation, Wes Anderson, Beautiful Girls, Kicking and Screaming, All About Eve, The Apartment. Currently: The History Boys, Once.
on the jukebox at the Gold Star
Don Quixote, A Hero of Our Time, A Natural History of the Senses, The Journal of Albion Moonlight, Joyce, A [Zukofsky], The Aspern Papers, Street of Crocodiles, Plath, Kafka, Calvino, Borges, Berrigan, Cortazar, Garcia Marquez, Hejinian, Ern Malley, Abe. Currently: Austerlitz (particularly pp. 121-140), 33 1/3 series (favorite albums), McSweeney's 13, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Fatalist, The Return of the Real, The Art of Travel, Stitch, Best American Poetry 2004 (guest edited by Lyn Hejinian), It's My Clitoris, Not the Sphinx.
federico garcia lorca, leonardo da vinci, bruno schulz, bill murray, bill hicks, joseph cornell.