Music,classic schwinns,camping in the mucky mucky,trying not to make an ass of myself snowboarding, wearing mexican wrestling masks at work,cheating at cards, dancing at the bowling alley to old rap songs, coffee and snickers bars for breafast
MySpace Layouts
Gaston eating a banana with a flamingo smoking a cigarette at the pool while the rat and cockroach are making fun of them in the corner.
Social D, William Ellliot Whitmore, The Sword, 3 inches of Blood, Cat Power, Jedi Mind Tricks, Against me!, Detriot Cobra's, Pixies, The Flaming Lips, Mastodon, The Cramps, Murder City Devil's, The Gaslight Anthem, Lucero...I think you get the point that I am a musical mutt.
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High Fidelity, Amelie, Memento, Dummy, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Harold and Maude, Boondock Saints. Not into movies that are in bed with the fast food nation, except Pixar.
Too busy with life to pay attention
Tom Robbins, Brave new world, 1984, Cash by Johnny Cash, The Bell Jar, Down on Ponce and The Clown
My sister Samantha