MY DREAM FOR THIS MINISTRYMY dream is to one day hold conferences and have special events across the world open for young women of all ages. My goal is for young women as myself to see their true potential and worth. That they are truly loved with an everlasting love. They are beauitful no matter what color size etc.... I want to reclaim in the name of Jesus what the enemy has stolen women's hearts and leaving them feeling abanoned and alone unworthy to be loved. I want to open the door of truth and uplift and encourage and bring women to move into the GLory and supernatural of God. I want to motivate Young women across the nations to be, see and become the warrior princesses God has created them to be. I want to minister to the women who are living in cocoons to help and guide them to become beautiful strong, and confident butterflies. I want to help move young women into their destinies that God Has planned for their lives and show them that God wants to take their lives by storm. Open their ears, eyes, heart,and soul to the prophetic , visions , and dreams as well as inner and outer healingwww.butterflyministries.bravehost.comThis website is the begining of my ministry and I hope and pray that it prospers to stadiums one day and I know it will in GODS time :)
Myspace Princess Diva Comments & Graphics
MY King God MY Prince a man after Gods own heart People , New friends, Old friends everyone and anyone
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