First and foremost, all our jewelry is handmade!
Whoopie Kat Jewelry® has been a dream of mine for quite a while. After meeting my husband, I told him of the dream and with our combined motivation and drive we were able to open shop ( web shop ) July 1st, 2006. I’ve been making jewelry for over 6 years and I love doing it. With the help of our son we have a very nicely run home-based business. We try and hit local craft shows so that people can see our wares in person. I am also willing and able to make just about any custom order you may have; whether it be for a CD release party, a special gig, wedding, or you just want to ride this wave.... Whoopie Kat style!Handcrafted, handmade jewelry at very reasonable prices. Each of our pieces are adorn with our Whoopie Kat "WK" charm. Visit us at!