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Certificate of Marriage

This is to certify that
Johnny Depp
were married on
January 05, 2008
Marry Your Favorite Character
You are the Empress card. The Empress is the
archetype of the Mother. She creates and
nurtures life. She represents the abundance of
Mother Earth. The Empress is capable of using
nature in a productive way. She espouses art
for art's sake. Her planet is Venus, and she
embodies love of beauty and a strong value
system. Here is also found initial sensation.
This is the first really physical experience of
the world that The Fool has entered. The
Empress has a rich understanding of the world
based on her five senses. In a reading, The
Empress represents pregnancy, actual or
metaphorical. She indicates an act of creation
and a sensual experience of beauty. The Empress
is a nurturing force that wishes to see the
product of her experiences reach the next stage
of development. Image from A Photographic Tarot
Which Tarot Card Are You?
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Certificate of Marriage

This is to certify that
Captain Jack Sparrow
were married on
January 05, 2008
Marry Your Favorite Character

.. .... ..


My mom & Dad and of course...my husband
He is a Man
You have yourself a perfect gentleman and a total keeper
Your guy almost always acts appropriately
He's probably even very upstanding when you're not around
There's no boy left in your boyfriend - he's all man! Is He A Boy or a Man?
Your Love Element Is Fire
In love, you are a true listener and totally present.
For you, love is all about feeling more alive than you've ever felt.

You attract others with your joy and passion.
Your flirting style is defined by your strong ability to communicate.

Fun and play are the cornerstones of your love life.
And while your flame may burn too brightly, it's part of your appeal.

You connect best with: Wood

Avoid: Water

You and another Fire element: will likely burn out quickly What Element Is Your Love?

My Blog


Stay at home moms....Wouldn't you love to earn extra income?Wouldn't you love to work with a team of women just like you?Wouldn't you love to make a difference?Wouldn't you love to help your family?Mo...
Posted by Tara on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 12:46:00 PST

Become a Motivated Mom today...

Welcome ;o) I am here to share with you some fantastic information about a wonderful group that I have joined!!  The group is called Motivated Moms.  I am having a great time with these ladi...
Posted by Tara on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:51:00 PST


First I want to start off saying that I have always loved the Jamaican culture and the people. Ever since I was a little girl I always dreamed of going there and have always been a huge fan of reggae...
Posted by Tara on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:03:00 PST


Never Give Up - Written by Lawrence & Tara Frazer You must always believe in yourself and your dreams because the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Dont you ever...
Posted by Tara on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 08:31:00 PST