Stone Jazz
- is an ongoing Korean born professional musician group
composed of basic jazz trio combined with traditional korean instruments ; Gayagm (korean harp), Haegm (korean violin), Piri (koean oboe).- embodies superb sound of combination of oriental and western acoustic instruments.- deals with tunes from all different musical genres using fundamentally creative arrangement, composition, and instrumentation that creates not only new sound format but also new music forms or genres themselves.- has worked on worldwide known standard jazz numbers and pops not to speak of korean folk tunes turning into new kind of jazz so called 'Crossover Jazz' handling them with full of care and consideration to give them not only new quality but also delicate energy.- focuses more on enlarging the sources and methods by putting more value on expressing racial sentiment through jazz medium.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4* Girl from Ipanema* Side Winder
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