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About Me

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I'm a Bay Area native, born and raised.
The two words that best describe me are curious and dorky. I'm pretty down to earth and not into drama. I'd have to say I'm a "glass is half full" type of a gal. I try to see the positive in everything and just laugh if I can't.
I love all things vintage, such as music, movies, clothes, furniture, jewelry, etc....
I'm very greatful for the things I have, even if I sometimes take them for granted. I'm almost too independent and stubborn for my own good. I'm a total horror movie fan. Nothing compares to 60's to late 80's horror, in my opinion. I especially love zombies, but who doesn't? The horror now just isn't the same or as cheesy...gotta have the cheese with everything. I love indie anything, movies, music, magazines, etc..
I'm all for the little guy or underdog. I hate how giant corporations have and are taking over the world....it's scary. I have alot of respect for people who have the courage to be themselves no matter what society thinks or says of them. I can't stand any female over the age of 7 that refers to themselves as a princess!
I'am a total child of the 80's. I'm lucky I got to live through that, even if it makes me old now. The bay area had some great clubs back then, I miss those. I'm full of contradictions. I'm extremely adventures yet lazy. I like to be cool, but I' am such a dork. I' am social, yet shy. I talk tough, but am a wuss.
I was part of the Berkeley Mod scene of the late 80's and loved it. I miss those days, full of scooters, parties, music and stylin'. I'm still a Mod at heart...because Mods are Gods!
Here they all are in L.A. for a taping of It's Happening.... .. About 1993 I started getting into the 1940's, 1950's & Rockabilly. Yes, I was a "mocker".

Now I'm part of the working world....sigh. I don't think I could get through a full day of work without hearing from my homies. So drop me a line! Pa..pa..pa..pleeze!!
Your Inner Retro Girl Is
1960s Mod Girl What Retro Girl Are You?
THE SIGN OF THE DOG *1922*1934*1946*1958*1970*1982*1994*2006
The Dog is a giving, compassionate personality. She offers kind words, support and advice to friends and family. She is a listener, always available to lend an ear or a shoulder to a friend in need. Often Dogs know more about their friends than their friends know about them or even themselves! Dogs are incredibly attentive, and easy to get along. They are supportive and calming and make exceptional friends. They are held in high regard by their friends and are loyal, honest friends. Money and status dont matter to the Dog. She is more concerned with the welfare of her family and friends and will do whatever it takes to help them out of a tight squeeze or a rough spot. They make loyal friends and companions.
(The characteristics of the Dog Sign are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle.) THE METAL DOG 1970
Metal Dogs have extremely high standards and expect a lot of themselves and of others. They are loyal and hold a strong outlook about the direction they want their life to take. They choose their friends and causes with care, as they do not plan to ever not support these people and things again. Once they have committed themselves, there is little to no turning back. They are bold, unafraid to disagree out loud about anything they feel is unjust or unfair. Metal Dogs are easily stressed if a plan does not go accordingly. They find it difficult to relax when there are things to be done.
Your Brain is 53% Female, 47% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve What Gender Is Your Brain?
Your Personality Is
Guardian (SJ)
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.
You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.
A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.
In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.
At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.
With others, you tend to be polite and formal.
As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.
On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them! The Three Question Personality Test
So true it's scary!

My Interests

I love new ideas, people, places, music, food, experiences, etc....
♥ Beauty, in any form
♥ Deegan and his human
♥ Fried chicken!
♥ Antiques & flea markets
♥ The strange & unusual
♥ Movies
♥ This damn addicting site
♥ Indie bands and music
♥ Greasy spoon diners
♥ Classic Hollywood
♥ Vintage pottery
♥ Mid Century Modern
♥Art Deco
♥ The remote control
♥ Modern art
♥ The number 10
♥ My 1941 house
♥ The smell of rain
♥People watching
♥ Seeing bands at small clubs
♥ Cool subcultures
♥ Good food
♥ Sleeping
♥ Kitsch
♥ Hanging out with friends
♥ Decorating and re-decorating
♥ All things Japanese
♥ Days off work
♥ Learning and growing
♥ Travel
♥Volunteer work
♥Laughing ♥ ♥♥♥♥

Your Quirk Factor: 61%
You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average." How Quirky Are You?

I'd like to meet:

People with a sense of humor, who can laugh at themselves and the absurdity of most of the world.

Max Fischer

Vince Vaughn!!!!!
We have the EXACT same birthday....3.28.1970!
You know I'm more money then Jenn baby


If it's Top 40 or Corporate, most likely its crap
I like all types of music. Since a list of bands can get so long, and I'm so lazy, most of my favorite genres are.....
♣ New wave & 80's underground
♣ Power pop
♣ Synth pop
♣ Indie pop & rock
♣ Freakbeat
♣ 60s psych, garage & rock
♣ Ye-ye
♣ Exotica
♣ French & Japanese pop
♣ Britpop
♣ Jazz
♣ 60's Surf
♣ Big band swing
♣ Western swing
♣ Rockabilly
♣ 70's punk
♣ Lounge ♣♣♣♣

Jan Pehechaan Ho

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The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy
In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.
You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.
Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
I hate big budget, Hollywood produced, mega, block busters.
Except Independence Day, that film is good I don't care what you say
Some of my favorites are...
♠ Clerks 2
♠ Valley Girl
♠ Fast Times at Ridgemont High
♠ Mall Rats
♠ Georgie Girl
♠ Johnny Suede
♠ Amelie
♠ Garden State
♠ Ghost World (like you couldn't tell)
♠ Some Kind of Wonderful
♠ Repo Man
♠ Harold and Maude
♠ The Wild Life
♠ Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains
♠ Pleasantville
♠ A Room with a View
♠ SLC Punk
♠ High Fidelity
♠ Office Space
♠ Sid and Nancy
♠ Pretty in Pink
♠ Cinema Paradiso
♠ The Royal Tenenbaums
♠ Rushmore
♠ Lost in Translation
♠ Swingers
♠ Suburbia (84)
♠ The Apartment
♠ American Beauty
♠ The Bad News Bears
♠ Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
I LOVE zombie movies especially the whole Night of/Living Dead collection
♠Dawn of the Dead(orginal)
♠Day of the Dead(original)
♠Return of the Living Dead I & II
are my personal favorites.
♠ 28 Days Later, good for a modern zombie flick
Otherwise I mainly love pre-90's horror like...
♠ They Live
♠ It's Alive
♠ Invasion of the Body Snatchers
♠ Freaks
♠ Texas Chainsaw Massacre (part 1 & 2) The remake was surprisingly good
♠The Hunger
♠Anything with Vincent Price
I adore Peter Sellers. I think he was so handsome.
Some of my favorite movies of his are...
♠Casino Royal
♠There's a Girl in my Soup
Audrey Hepburn is sublime. She oozed style, class and charm!
I especially love...
♠Roman Holiday
♠Breakfast at Tiffany's


♦ Night Gallery! ♦
Those paintings were the best, like this one...
♦ Chiller Diller
♦ The Young Ones
♦ Get a Life
♦ Square Pegs
♦ Early Saturday Night Live
♦ Night Flight
♦ 120 minutes
♦ The Alternative on VH1 Classic's
♦ What’s Happening!
♦ Laurel and Hardy
♦ Creature Features
♦The Courtship of Eddie's Father
♦ Family Affair
♦ Anything by Sid and Marty Kroft
♦ Our Gang/Little Rascals
♦ Sanford and Son
♦ Ren and Stimpy
♦ Absolutely Fabulous
♦ The Banana Splits Show


♦ Chappelle's Show bitch!

Charlie Murphy


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♥ Strong Women ♥
♥ My Parents ♥
♥ Jesus, he's my homeboy! ♥
♥ People who help others or the world,
without looking for recognition ♥