SUPA B ╔»music«╝™ profile picture

SUPA B ╔»music«╝™

ItAintWat it is UjusNotDetermined2change how it is

About Me

THEY SAY LIFE IS 2 SHORT, IN CONTRAST TO THIS BELIEF MY THEORY ON LIFE IS: "LIVE LIFE, LIKE YOUR GOING TO LIVE FOREVER...THIS WAY WHEN WE MAKE MISTAKES, ITS NOT SO MUCH OF A BIG DEAL..." THE SUPA PLEDGE (now say it with me): "Im only human, so yes I sin...I make mistakes AGAIN, AGAIN...I climb, I fall, I laugh, I ball...I turn the coroner 2 hit the wall...I fall back down, I get back up, cant blame the world 4 my bad luck...Im only human so yes I sin...Like dejavu AGAIN, AGAIN...Im only human so this is true...The struggles I conquer will help me 2...Be brighter and wiser, the struggles I face...The ones that dont kill me WILL PROVIDE ME MY STRENGTH!!!" Sasha. G..."dat was supa" ~~Feel free to drop me a line, and I will be sure to get back at cha!!!~~



My Interests


Member Since: 7/25/2007
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