Fashion, travel, skiing, going out, running and working-out, world politics. Fav places: NYC, Denmark, Paris, at the top of a piste, at home/out with my roommate.
Intelligent citizens of the world.
ATTENTION: JE N'UTILISE PAS MYSPACE POUR RENCONTRES LES HOMMES, DONC SVP NE PAS DEMANDER. Oui bien sur j'ai MSN mais je ne le vous donnerai pas. Merci et bon journee.
(Translation: I DO NOT USE MYSPACE TO MEET MEN, SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK. Yes of course I have MSN, but I will not give it to you. Thank you and have a nice day).
TOP FIVE: 1 Imogen Heap, 2 Prodigy, 3 The Killers 4 Coldplay, 5 Nik & Jay (Danish). Also like Hotel Costes, Kaskade, Ray Keith, Frou Frou, Matt Pond PA, The Streets
L'AUBERGE ESPAGNOL, Les Poupees Russes, Moulin Rouge, Love Actually, Italian Job, Hors de Prix
Friends, House, SaTC
Almost everything...from girly books in French about the disasters of her dating career to European History to the Da Vinci Code...
My high school french teacher Mme Stromberg, my mother, myself.