I am a performer at heart, and I love performing before an audience. I hope that comes through when I perform. I hate crowds, except when I am the cause of them. I missed my calling as a rock star, so I am trying to play catch-up! I play guitar, I have worked as a professional clown ( with pictures to prove it!), and I enjoy doing volunteer work with a local Christian radio station and our local public broadcasting station. I like to cook, too!
um..gee, I don't know! You, who are reading this! I would like to meet you! I really like meeting people and becoming friends. I think I'm a friendly guy, except when my gout is acting up! I have had the pleasure of meeting some really cool people, the famous, the not-so-famous, and the never-heard-of-em. I hope to meet more really cool people. I know you're out there!!
I enjoy most types of music, although I perform only certain kinds. My wife and I regularly attend our local symphony concerts, and I like to go to certain other types of concerts, as they occur.
Forrest Gump, Knock on Wood, Without a Clue. Some of the superhero stuff is fun, although I will never enjoy violence. I did not enjoy the "X-Men," since seeing someone impaled is not my idea of a good time. I don't watch R-rated movies, and even some of the PG-13 stuff is pretty strong for me. I know,I know, it's only a movie. Still, I can think of much better use of my time.
I hardly ever watch it. I find so much of it is absolute garbage. I don't really care who the new "American Idol" is, the reality shows are so boring(You want reality? You need to get out more!), the "comedy" shows are not funny (if you enjoy watching people constantly trying to one-up each other, be my guest) and the crime shows leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. It's all shock tricks.
"The Return of the Trumpet" by Randy Baran, a personal friend. "Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke
My dad, whom I lost at age 59. Helicopter rescue crews.