R.:{{ * }}:.N profile picture

R.:{{ * }}:.N

Nunc est bibendum

About Me

Sloth. Parasite. Hedonist. Like most Americans, I am overweight and undereducated. I work hard so I am able to consume as much of Earth's precious natural resources as possible before my time is up. When my bloated corpse lies rotting in some forgotten burial place, my spirit will return in the form of a giant tubeworm; doomed to feed on the same methane gasses I once so gleefully expelled from my puckered asshole. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 ..

Myspace.com Blogs - Check out this video: Calum Discovers the Mirror! - ~Melanie~ MySpace Blog

HA! That's my boy! Turn up the volume so you can hear him fart and slam his head in to the mirror simultaneously.

My Interests

Soon, my army of atomic shark people will awaken from their frozen slumber! The governments of the world will crumble before our merciless onslaught. I will be coronated supreme planetary overlord, and Earth’s populace will be left no choice but to submit to my diabolical will. THE END OF LATE FEES!

I'd like to meet:

George W., so I could thank him personally for all the wonderful things he has done for this nation and abroad.


Black Sabbath, Tom Waits, Opeth, Bauhaus, CCR, Woven Hand/16 Horsepower, Skip James, Neurosis, JOHNNY CASH, Killing Joke, Nick Cave, Elvis Presley, Munly & The Lee Lewis Harlots, Otis Spahn, Supertramp, Melvins, Big Business, Leadbelly, Sisters of Mercy, The Dead Boys, Jesus Lizard, Patsy Cline, Metallica (up through the Black Album), Frank Sinatra, The Stones, J. S. Bach, The Pogues, Billy Holiday, David Bowie, Brian Eno, Joy Division, Queens of the Stone Age, Rudimentary Peni, Ween, Kris Kristofferson, Mastodon, Einsturzende Neubauten, Rachel's, Soundgarden, Portishead, Subhumans (U.K.), Otis Redding, Leonard Cohen, Devo, Gary Numan/Tubeway Army, The Cardiacs, Buzzcocks, Cheap Trick, Pleasure Forever, The Handsome Family, Al Green, Radiohead, Steel Pole Bath Tub, Slayer, Ennio Morricone, and way, way too many others to list. Anything that inspires me and speaks to my soul. Music and sex are the best things in life!


The Royal Tenenbaums, The Seventh Seal, Spartacus, Casablanca, Nosferatu, Sergio Leone westerns, The Reflecting Skin, Network, Time Bandits, Bad Boy Bubby, The Man Who Would Be King, Gladiator, Sleepy Hollow, Repo Man, Dead & Buried, The Empire Strikes Back, The Elephant Man, Cisco Pike, Angel Heart, The Lord of the Rings, Ravenous, An American Werewolf in London, Magnolia, Psycho, The Usual Suspects, Goodfellas, Slingblade, From Hell, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Diver, Gangs of New York, The Vikings, Road to Perdition, Apocalypse Now, Freddy Got Fingered, The Unforgiven, Batman Begins, Gummo, Braveheart, Santa Sangre, Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia, Blue Velvet, Excalibur, Evil Dead 2, Eastern Promises, Blow, The Filth and The Fury, Jason and the Argonauts, and on and on... I am a total fucking movie geek and will go to the movies as often as possible. I like everything from ultra violent Takashi Miike flicks to the sappiest of Disney cartoons. It doesn't matter, as long as we're going on a mental vacation. Weeeeeeeee!


Been watching a lot of Teletubbies lately.


I have the attention span of a gnat and get most of my reading done on the crapper. It takes me forever to finish a book, but I still love to read. Some of my favorite books are: The Wasp Factory, Marabou Stork Nightmares, The Killer Inside Me, Frankenstein, The House On The Borderland, Survivor, Blood Meridian, Stormbringer, A Feast of Snakes, Ironweed, Lullaby, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Monk, Rotten, Breakfast of Champions, Cash: The Autobiography, A Scanner Darkly, Where The Wild Things Are, Knowledge of Angels, Spider, Lady Sings The Blues, The Mists of Avalon, The Things They Carried, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, blah, blah, blah. Have I convinced you that I'm literate yet? Mostly I read the SF Weekly.


Aquaman. Dr. Kevorkian. Whoever is buying me beer.

My Blog

What kind of dumb ass breaks a leg at his own baby shower?

This kind. Thanks so much to everyone that showed up and I sincerely apologise for my drunken shennanigans. Mel and I are so lucky to have such an amazing extended family! All the gifts and cards were...
Posted by R.:{{ * }}:.N on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:47:00 PST