RaunvÃsindi, erlend tungumál, leiklist(með og án handrits) og Dwarf Fortress.
Jesus Christ, án þess þó að deyja alveg strax.
Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Vivaldi, Wagner, Hans Zimmer, The Gladiator, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Dragonheart, Heroes of Might and Magic IV, Kingdom of Heaven, The Lion King, The Lord of the Rings, Moulin Rouge, Pan's Labyrinth, Shrek, The Village, Kill Bill, Enya, Aladdin, Coldplay, Santana
The Gladiator, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Pan's Labyrinth, Saving Private Ryan, The Pianist, The Lord of the Rings, Mýrin, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lion King, Aladdin, Serenity, The Corpse Bride, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Airplane!, Top Secret, Hot Shots, The Naked Gun, Batman Begins og Batman: The Dark Knight, Mamma Mia!
Firefly, Tudor, Rome, Scrubs, Simpsons
Njáls saga, Haralds saga Pottagerðamanns, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Chronicles of Narnia, Discworld, Hringadróttinssaga
Hæfileikalausi Maðurinn og Kafteinn Augljós