Sindri Geir profile picture

Sindri Geir

Yes We Can!

About Me

My name is Sindri Geir, I'm 16. years old and I live in the town Akureyri in Northern Iceland. My interests are music, photography, books, Apple computers and musical instruments. I study at Akureyri Junior College and I mostly study sociology and history. I listen to music allot and my favorite bands and artists are Muse, Dikta, Coldplay, Johnny Cash and The Doors...

My Interests

Books, music...and just a lot of other things

I'd like to meet:

George Bush, Barack Obama, Charlie Parker, Walt Disney, Martin Luther King jr., Sigurður Flosason, Clint Eaestwood,


Muse, Dikta, Coldplay, Johnny Cash and The Doors.


Forrest Gump, Schindlers List, Monty Python, ...and so much more


Heroes, Lost, Stargate:Atlantis,


Harry Potter, LOTR, Dan Brown, sci-fi and fantasy books


No one in particular.

My Blog

Fyrsta bloggið mitt :)

Jæja þá er ég loksins búinn að læra á þetta MySpace dót.Ég veit ekki hvort ég eigi eftir að blogga mikið hér en þið getið alltaf kíkt á ef þið hafið ekkert að gera.Umm.....
Posted by Sindri Geir on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:49:00 PST