Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 profile picture

Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1

Cory The Model THAT1 right HERE bitches! Socialite,Celebutante,50% reformed Party Boy Extraordinaire

About Me

I have a new men's jewelry collection XOC Jewelry, please check it out!( some pieces are also unisex. ALL PIECES are LIMITED ) Pictured XOC Hollywood Bullet Necklace- inspired by the movie,Cruel intentions,made of stainless and black silicone,on a black leather cord, the top unscrews and it's hollow ) Photo: "Elisabella"I suffer from tanorexia: function-noun 1. a serious disorder in tanning behavior characterized especially by a pathological fear of pastey white skin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohhh some fast info and then we can possibly delve deeper; I don't use proper grammar online, im not in skool. I love the word Kewl. Oh, also "Duh". My family and friends and dog Dex are most important to me. If you think I am just superficial, you will never know the Real me, the rest is all fun window dressing... I love good pizza,animals, beaches, music, doing nothing and everything- and alot of obscure things. I seriously only like great vibe people and bad vibe negative people bore and/or scare me. But, I prefer to swim away, Fast. I'm a true pisces, we swim into nice warm waters and out of cold. In real life I get along with most everybody! I also like not always so nice, very good people if that makes sense. It makes my life somewhat more complicated, I need to work on it. I am more or less sometimes a very bad Good boy. Not a good bad boy, there is a difference! Life is short who has the time or rather desire? Well some but those I try and avoid! I have seen alot and at the same time also led or grew up a sheltered life. Sorta a walking dycotomy. i am about a 50% reformed or trying "Party Boy" as they say in the press. what a dumb term, just like socialite, celebutante, celebutard, u get the idea... it's so retarded, gotta love it bitches! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MORE??? HERE YA GO... I was born on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Not on the street but lived there in a high rise. Then Wilmette, IL until 4th grade. But I really grew up in Highland Park, IL. Modeled since I was 15. Playboy magazine used my home for many centerfolds and pictorials- yes it was too kewl and i'd alsways have to fake sick those days! I went to college @ University of AZ in Tucson and also modeled there too, what there was( did 1st men of arizona calendar - lol ). I Moved and modeled in LA. Moved back home to Chicago to model. Moved and modeled in Athens, Greece for 3 months. Lived and modeled in Mexico City for 3 months. Lived and modeled in Atlanta, GA for 10 months. Lived and modeled in FL for 3 years. I have lived and modeled all over the world but now really only do direct bookings for bigger clients. I am currently involved in various endeavors. I am basically a lucky, nice, kewl, funny, Chicago boy who loves my friends and life, but all that glitters isn't Gold. Life is sometimes hard but life is awesome, I'm very lucky. I have a great dog Dex, 1 cat, and am very close to my mom and sister along with a ton of great people I know from everywhere! I used to be really spoiled, like out of hand spoiled, now after losing some great people i know money doesn't matter really and the quality of people and life do more. Money doesn't impress me, it's paper and can be made or lost in a day! It makes life easier but sure doesn't breed class. I am based in Chicago, winter in FL and model sometimes there too, and love LA and admit i hate to fly even by PJ. in ' real life ' i have a nice reputation because well i am too nice alot of the time, but on the Internet on the gossip blogs i have an awful reputation written by strangers and wannabe celebrity journalists. if u google me your hair will stand up, mine did, now i don't care, but it's not like the real me and this here is where u can ' meet me ' .., but really im on here meeting others and catching up with my real life best and close friends on Myspace. I don't use proper grammar on here, I'm not in school. I am too lazy but can be incredibly ambitious and can make my dreams come true which is a really kewl thing about me. I am not " in love " with Paris and she is much smarter than people give her credit for, trust me on it... I have about 100 fake Paris Hiltons by the way so people don't add her or use me to meet her on here. I don't like when people add my top list people i know about 90% of them offline so it's not so kewl and I will add almost everyone over 18, but periodically do delete people or when i see them all over my top friends list. I love laying out on rafts, going to the beach, doing lunch, shopping, and laughing, but it's not something one can really put on a resume along with some other special skills. I'm way mellow but can be very outgoing also and hate crowds. I am a total Pisces if that means anything to you, two fish swimming in two opposite directions. My fav quote is " Time is the Tyrant ". ***************************My old comp signed by my friend Paris Hilton . I am her future 3d husband, now that's hot and kewl! ( Btw- Eva Longoria told Chip and Pepper, who told me, Cory The Model, who told Nicky Hiltons' sister Paris Hilton ... "it's not nice to name drop " )!Me modeling for Armani, Versace, and Jordache campaigns. fotos: Paolo Tosi, Pierro Paolo, and Rick Day.
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My Interests

You can ADJUST THE MUSIC TO WHAT U LIKE. THIS IS WHAT I LIKE THIS MINUTE ( Hit Pause to hear videos,like duhhh )! Mostly im on my own page hearing music,and BTW, sometimes i fall asleep with Myspace still on, i know, weird, oh well! * I also have alot of videos if u click Video Link, so enjoy picky bitches *
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.

WELCOME TO MY PUBLIC MYSPACE PAGE! (How did you ever find me)?!**Click the picture to read my blog** Please sign the petition, by clicking the link below, to stop this un-necessary abuse! http://www. petitiononline. com/ea6gk/petition. htmlIm a 50% REFORMED world renown deboucherous party boy, and former supermodel, yes really, but i can't fly. So, everything you've heard about me might be true, maybe not, and then some, so now what?! LOL (kidding) ..but i'm awesome. :)~ see this public myspace and u will know more than anyone ever needs to, but ASK me if u have a question really. Only way to really know something is from me,not the tabs or gossip blogs silly wabbits. ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~This is a tripped out Thomas Kincade painting i really love named, "The rain".It's one of a three part series... It's rumored to carry a miracle! They say if you pass this on, you will receive a miracle, i figure ill pass it on, who can't have enough right?!************************* PLEASE check out my New Men's Jewelry line, some pieces are unisex and ALL are limited,thanks!

********************* * I have 3 myspace pages-that's more than enough. This public page PRIVATE PAGE FOR "REAL LIFE", OFFLINE, FRIENDS AND FAMILY ONLY NEW XOC JEWELRY COLLECTION MYSPACE PAGE IS please add that one Only if you are very interested in my XOC jewelry and love for you to please SEND YOUR PIX WEARING MY XOC JEWELRY! NO other page is mine but for these three, more than enough or I can handle(lol). *****************
http://www.myheritage.comUMMM, so is this where I'm supposed to list HOBBIES or interests? Argh i'm already stumped! I majored in Hanging out with friends and doing lunch, Shop, projects, party,play with my animals,lay out in the sun on comfy rafts, go to the beach. I go to a lot of clubs,parties,charity events,openings,text message off the hook, hanging out...420 is fav time of day, power naps, sharks,cooking and not eating it, water, C and D list celebrities- the A list one's bore me to tears, umm, pisces, astrology,philanthropy, charity,photography- fashion, scenic, landscape, colors, stick on non permanent tattoos, fashion, road trips which must include shopping sprees at truck stops and diners, giving tons of obscenely expensive good clothes to charities and then looking for them in my closets, thin greasy pizza cut in squares-yum, making things happen and also doing nothing,Weiners Circle-so yum, Barnabys too, pop culture, sociology,candy anthing yummy like sweet tarts, great products,music,good people times and places, pasta,pulling all nighters when i can or unexpectedly happen, 80s and 90s supermodels, ummm bigfoot kinda, the lochness monster pretty sorta',icky nefarious people-nope nope nope, fluffy animals always,duh.seriously???I just found this video and it's cheesey but fantastic and relaxing if you're stressed out, having a panic attack, or just want to chill. I'm really liking it right now.
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You've got it going on in the sack. You know how to please your partner in every possible way. You are a one in a million, and anyone that is lucky enough to get with you will agree with this quiz!
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I'd like to meet:

Alot of people ! Hmmm, iconoclasts, hot good people, honest funny people,both? maybe you? Ok well maybe not, but who knows. I've met enough nefarious icky creatures to last ten lifetimes, they always seem to surface but I prefer not to know them here or offline! ANyone i used to model with, hang out with, old neighbors or your mom and dad.“As time goes by, you realize to be happy with someone you need, first, to not need this person. You realize the one you love (or you think you love) and doesn’t want anything with you, definitely is not the one of your life. You learn how to like yourself, to take care of yourself and, mostly, to like who also likes you. The secret is not chase the butterflies, but take care of your own garden, making them come to you. In the end, you will find not who you were looking for, but who was looking for you!” Mário Quintana – one of my fave people on myspace or off,Hot Rod Cowboy aka ROYAL how hot n kewl is this and him? way!

Please Comment me for a faster response...or Please sign my new cheesey Guestbook if ya want-lol ! Sign my Guestbook View my Guestbook .. width="425

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OMG Cory, you're sooo keeewwl!!

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Ok i realize my music is all over the place, from total teen aged fat chick music, to goth depressed EMOS tunes, to head banging burnout music,to middle aged middle america songs, to anything really... I love Rob Thomas,Mickey Avalon, DIRT NASTY ( Simon Rex),Mark Ronson,Samantha Ronson,Good Charlotte, Captain Beefheart, New Order,CSN&Y, Crosby,Stills,Nash and Young, Green Day, Matchbox 20,The jets, Cold play, The killers, Guns n Roses, Aerosmith, Annie lennox,Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi rocks, Mary j Blige, Aretha, Eminem, third eye blind, Fall out boys, Goo Goo Dolls,Alicia Keys,Panic@the disco,Kanye,Scorpions, Metallica, Britney bitch,Christina Aguillera,Mariah, Whitney, lots of diff rock, dance, blues, hiphop,soul,goth, mellow rock ballads,techno, 60's psychedlic awhile ago,70s,80s 90s,Anything it all depends what mood im in! Take the quiz:
R u Hot, Sexy, Ugly, Pretty, Geeky? Come here to FIND OUT

You Are HOTT!!!
You are HOTT!!! thats all i can say...

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


SUPERSTAR !!! I have a short attention span for them., so i don't watch many... Goodfellas, Gia, Scarface, Willy Wonka , Wizard of Oz, Bronx Tale, Escape to Witch mountain,umm, can't think of many now i will get back to it. Good comedies and all different movies, though honestly not foreign or ones with sub titles usually, ok ever!


pic courtesy Hiltron.Total TV Junkie Here and nOT afraid to admit it !!! E!,VH1, MTV,SNL,South Park is my favorite, Sopranos,Kathy Griffins' My life on the D List, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kimora, George Lopez, Raymond reruns, umm the Golden Girls, The Simple Life 1,2,3,4,5! Nick at Night but not 'Full House',it's retarded, sorry. Gossip and tabloid tv like Access Hollywood, EXTRA,E! news daily, MSNBC, CNN, news shows. Nancy Grace makes great tv but i dont think we'd get along, but just addicted to her show,she's scary Also love any legal celebrity shows like TMZ,( Max Rocks), anything with Harvey Levin, Jane Velez- Mitchell, Pat Lalama, Diane Dimond,u get the idea...quality celebrity investigative reporters. .Oh and enjoy watchin the attorney lady on Nancy Grace,(name withheld),who makes Johnny Cochran'isms , I'm just so intrigued watching how she moves her mouth and thinks she's funny. Yeah seriously. Oh duhh the cooking channel, Paula Deem makes me crave macaroni n cheese, The hot chick who dices tomatos, the travel channel so i don't have to, lord help me,i think the View.Sshh. Emergency broadcast systems,Beep.Old soaps like Dynasty, Melrose Place, and Knotts Landing were the bomb,same with Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, Gilligan's Island, Brady Bunch, Scooby Doo, Flintstones, and others when life was simpler ~ and also love sitcoms,new reality shows, whatever, but my TV is always on something.


Duh, figures, THE LITTLE PRINCE, my mom got nervous at that point. I like The STAR,US WEEKLY, National Enquirer,Vanity Fair, IN Touch, Mens Fitness, GQ,Esquire, Details, Playboy, and a few other quality magazines ! Chameleon, Bergdorf Blondes... Did you ever read as a kid Ramona The Pest, Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing, How to Eat Fried Worms, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe,Iggy's House, Bed Knobs and Broomsticks, kinda kidding right now...I read but can't think of serious books right now. The Armand Hammer biography was my big reading material but then my self diagnosed ADD kicked in. I did learn from the book though, "Time IS The Tyrant", so it was not wasted, that is so true!!!


My mom and I @ Rosebud, Chicago.Some are on myspace. Some might be you. My Personal Heroes are My Mom, My sister, My grandparents may they all rest i peace, my guard dog and best bud Dex, most of my best friends that passed away. my p/t body guard and friend SWAT George, Mr. Hugh Hefner ( Hef ), Princess Diana, Gianni Versace, good cops, firemen,good doctors, single working mothers,people who do things I can't imagine, and all the fantastic people who come through for me unconditionally. My close friends through the years who love me no matter what i get myself into. ~~~~~~some pix of some friends and myself ~~~~~~Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Blog

PLEASE sign this- this self proclaimed artist is TORTURING DOGS_ WE MUST STOP HIM_ LETS DO IT

PLEASE REPOST: WARNING THE PICS ARE HORRENDOUS...Getting SO many wonderful emails from you guys so I just posted it on a new BLOG....PLEASE Post your comments on there, my mail is filling up here... B...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:15:00 PST

Please add...

Hi all ! I know I haven’t blogged in awhile, and will soon again... In the mean time if you don’t mind and it doesn’t cost anything unless you would like to contribute, I am jus...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:08:00 PST

Ok, Cory The Model world exclusive, (LOL) , im posting pics from my modeling portfolio...:)~

 Ok, world exclusive, (lol) im posting pics from my portfolio.:)~Ok, in real life i'm very low key, well I don't say alot of things i've done etc .. Regarding modeling or pics on Myspace, It...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:32:00 PST

* Distributors wanted- check this out for SERIOUS enquiries*

* Distributors wanted- check this out for SERIOUS enquiries*My new XOC Jewelry collection for men and XOC brand are seeking through my MySpace first, distributors for my hot new  jewelry collect...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 02:35:00 PST

just a weird blog i found for my page-whenever i try to find someone i know i see this,hmmm

06/06/2006, 07/07/2007, 08/08/2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 12/21/12, 12/21/2012, 911, abacua, abduction, abductions, abortion, absinthe, absolute, accounting, acid, acoustics, activism, acupuncture, ...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:22:00 PST


Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 02:11:00 PST

I need YOUR opinion on NEW XOC pieces and some VERY LIMITED.

I need YOUR opinion on NEW XOC pieces and some VERY LIMITED. ...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 01:25:00 PST


 i know i broke my future ubber publicists' rule, no press Till it's ready but it just came out!I need to shoot ASAP ( and some emergency botox possibly//hmmm LOL kidding, kinda maybe.who knows, ...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:35:00 PST

XOC will be looking for REPS, Exclusive Boutiques, and other...

XOC will be looking for REPS, Exclusive Boutiques, and VERY SOON,  XOC Jewelry will be seeking: REPS:Independant Contractors NOT employed by XOC Brand to REP the ...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 03:13:00 PST


Well, after over 21/2 years in the planning, I am pleased to announce my lil' EXCLUSIVE MYSPACE " PRE- LAUNCH " of my new XOC Brand! Please keep in mind that these are only TEMPORARY pictures of onl...
Posted by Cory aka "Cory The Model"® THAT1 on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:52:00 PST