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I am here for Networking

About Me

Rock music promoter, former rock musician, recently-retired attorney, interested in NORTHERN/EASTERN EUROPEAN ROCK to market in the US. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, a retired professional musician.I am already working with:AGE OF STONES ( Check out their Webpage or Myspace ) from Latvia.BACKFLOW ( Backflow on Myspace ) from Latvia.STONESTEP ( StoneStep on Myspace ) from Latvia.IR ( IR BAND on Myspace ) from Lithuania.JOHN BOYTOSH & The BeatHeads ( Visit John & his band on Myspace or for more their Official Webpage ) Originally they are from Slovakia.STONESTORM ( STONESTORM on Myspace ) from Finland.I'm helping prepare press kits and marketing their music to radio stations, record companies, and filmmakers in the US. I'd love to help other SERIOUS northern/eastern European rock musicians, too. You really have a great music scene!Powered by WebRing .
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My Interests

music, travel, languages

I'd like to meet:

Marex Etmanis


grunge, power pop, prog/hard rock, bluegrass, roots music


"Singles", "Man Without A Past", "Spinal Tap"


Anything by Carlos Castaneda


Musicians, public defenders