Loner18's Drawn Together style commercial 1
glumbert - Bad Day at the Office
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The Unthinking Majority
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George Carlin -Religion is BS
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I am my own hero, through out my life I have found that looking up to others is a waste of time, because they could never measure up to my expectations. I have aslo found that raising my expectations of myself has always lead me to do the right thing, and I realy do not need to look up to some one else to know how to, or when to, do the right thing. Plus I have found that I am much more reliable and constant in my actions, than most. Cruel, beautiful, ominous and evil.Most shiver at the sound of your name, you are ominous and something to be feared. Humans are playthings to you, toys for your own horrid uses. Heartless and cruel you love the pain and hardships of others, sometimes you are the cause. You are very beautiful on the outside which will entrance any mortal into believing what you lead them to, but sooner or later they will understand the deadly ways of your true nature. Despite your dark side you are very talented, you have many gifts that you leave locked up in favor of whatever else your doing at the moment. The feeling of love is alien and unwanted. You are quite brave and things rarely surprise or startle you. I like this definition!