HLV Roots profile picture

HLV Roots


About Me

My Interests

Locais onde se pode encontrar HLV Roots:

"INVERT surfshop" ,rua 33 nº336 Espinho www.invertshop.com

"UNTITLED DESIGN E ARQUITECTURA Lda" ,rua 8 nª391 4500 -201 Espinho

"GANG OF FOUR" ,rua beco do fanaco 1 Coimbra

"COKTAILMOLOTOF" ,rua Miguel Bombarda Porto

"ORIGAMI" ,rua Miguel Bombarda nº 65( a cedofeita) 4050 Porto

"QUARTO DE CIMA ,Rua do almado nº544....PORTO

if you need any kind of information. contact directly with HLVROOTS through MSN.
add this on your msn! and create your own root!


I'd like to meet:



HLV Roots Supporting artists:

kamikazz Jackets made by HLV Roots


if you need any kind of information. contact directly with HLVROOTS through MSN.
add this on your msn! and create your own root!