One of the people id most love to meet,but I can't,which is a crying shame,is Marilyn Monroe.She is thee most purest creature i have ever came across.She was just so delicate but yet she managed to make peopoe melt with just one look.I love her photographs as much as her movies.When she is posing as 'Mariliyn Monroe' you see such a glamours women you want to be ,be with or know.When you see her caught of gaurd,being herself 'Norma Jean' you see a sad,confussed,lost little girl.I think the reason i have such a fascination with her is that i see a lot of myself in her.She deserved to be a legand and a lot more.KT Tunstall is the next person i highly respect and would die to meet.I would love to work with her.I will work with her because i am determind to,and when i put my mind to something i do it.KT is just indcredible.Her music blows me away.I have her to thank for helping me find my true musical side.I have always been very musicall but was unsure in which direction i wanted it to go in.After seeing KT live, i was just dumbstruck,i felt like a huge piece of me had changed,for the better.She inspired me and helped me find me voice style and and musicall style.When i was watching her i could have litrally written her song 'Suddenly I See' because i was watching and realised this is me...her lyric 'Suddenly I See this is what i wanna be..suddenly i see why the hell it means so much to me' is all i can describe it as. A life changing moment for the better.She has a raw talent and i just hope she keeps getting bigger and bigger, she deserves it.Gwen Stefani is another. She is amazing.I love her style and how she broke away from the 'stereotypeical' of a blonde beauty.She proves you dont have to be all that society see's as perfection to be beautifull and succesfull.I also love that she took the Japanese culture,style into the media attention.Gwen is such a natural beauty with a lot of talent.Pink, what can i say? She has made me laugh,cry,feel her pain,and think political, all through her music.I also see a lot of myself in her aswell.Same kind of backgroud with the same goal,and if she can do it then so can i.Pink stands up for what she belives in and doesnt give a shit what anyone thinks of it.I respect that.She has a serious talent for singing,and especially songwritting.I think a few more people should sit up and listen to what she has got to say.It will make you think.Not forgetting... Blondie! Amazing band, amazing music. debbie harry and chris stein are legands!! i would love to work with those guys to. faboulas they are!
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