I make "the funny"
The things about me change every day, I'm always learning. I guess right now I'm sort of what you'd call a No-Limit-soldier-Ride-r-die Bitch. I like beautiful things around me, at all times. I'm a connoisseur of pepper. I prefer the light flakes, over the granules. I drink beer, a lot, because I like it. I'm probably what a dude would consider to be a "Crazy!" Which doesn't bother me, I love crazy people... matter of fact, I like 'em down right NUTS! No, really I have such a sweet spot for lunatics, it's ridiculous. I believe that the things that are too good to be true, are. I think that too much of a good thing is fantastic! It makes me wonder what would happen if I had too much of an Amazing thing, or a WONDERFUL thing or...or... a STUPENDOUS thing! And, also, what would it be like to have too much of things that are just fine, or just ok.
I love scars & chipped teeth, I enjoy the physical things that create character. I like People who are larger than life. Literally, I love freakishly big people. Giants have always fascinated me. I still have a crush on Carey Elwes's character in The Princess Bride. I think Wesleyyyyyyy should have a channel on YouTube and teach man-lessons. Romance is freaking bad ass! I'm not the best at it, but I love watching other people do crazy shit, because they're in LOVE! And I mean, crazy... I once knew a boy who tried to run his girlfriend over with a car. Broken hearts are awesome too. I love to get my heart broken, at least, once a week, so I have plenty of inspiration.
I am way in to people. Like,Way. Even in people in passing. I totally wonder about the chick at Gilson's, who made my sandwich, ever got her tax situation figured out. I like to experience people and absorb as much as I can. I have amazing friends & a kickass family. The folks surrounding me are all Super Genius's. I love all of them. I believe that people like helping each other out. So I love to hang out, but I also enjoy my own company, a lot. I love doing things by myself, but it's because I'm weird, and it's hard to do weird shit when other people are around.I work Five times as hard as I party... and if you've ever partied with me, that would impress the crap out of ya.
I have never touched a Nintendo WII. I do not own an Ipod. I drive a Chevy S10 pick up. I'm awesome and don't really give a shit if people think I am "cool."
Tater tots used to be awesome, but now I'm all about Chicken nuggets.
I talk a lot, but it's mostly shits-'n-giggles. If you know me... you know if I smack you, it means I love ya.
I am a firm believer in letting the bullshit go. Because I know how short this life is.