teri fruichantie profile picture

teri fruichantie

Adrian, I love you with All my heart!

About Me

I make "the funny"
The things about me change every day, I'm always learning. I guess right now I'm sort of what you'd call a No-Limit-soldier-Ride-r-die Bitch. I like beautiful things around me, at all times. I'm a connoisseur of pepper. I prefer the light flakes, over the granules. I drink beer, a lot, because I like it. I'm probably what a dude would consider to be a "Crazy!" Which doesn't bother me, I love crazy people... matter of fact, I like 'em down right NUTS! No, really I have such a sweet spot for lunatics, it's ridiculous. I believe that the things that are too good to be true, are. I think that too much of a good thing is fantastic! It makes me wonder what would happen if I had too much of an Amazing thing, or a WONDERFUL thing or...or... a STUPENDOUS thing! And, also, what would it be like to have too much of things that are just fine, or just ok.
I love scars & chipped teeth, I enjoy the physical things that create character. I like People who are larger than life. Literally, I love freakishly big people. Giants have always fascinated me. I still have a crush on Carey Elwes's character in The Princess Bride. I think Wesleyyyyyyy should have a channel on YouTube and teach man-lessons. Romance is freaking bad ass! I'm not the best at it, but I love watching other people do crazy shit, because they're in LOVE! And I mean, crazy... I once knew a boy who tried to run his girlfriend over with a car. Broken hearts are awesome too. I love to get my heart broken, at least, once a week, so I have plenty of inspiration.
I am way in to people. Like,Way. Even in people in passing. I totally wonder about the chick at Gilson's, who made my sandwich, ever got her tax situation figured out. I like to experience people and absorb as much as I can. I have amazing friends & a kickass family. The folks surrounding me are all Super Genius's. I love all of them. I believe that people like helping each other out. So I love to hang out, but I also enjoy my own company, a lot. I love doing things by myself, but it's because I'm weird, and it's hard to do weird shit when other people are around.I work Five times as hard as I party... and if you've ever partied with me, that would impress the crap out of ya.
I have never touched a Nintendo WII. I do not own an Ipod. I drive a Chevy S10 pick up. I'm awesome and don't really give a shit if people think I am "cool."
Tater tots used to be awesome, but now I'm all about Chicken nuggets.
I talk a lot, but it's mostly shits-'n-giggles. If you know me... you know if I smack you, it means I love ya.
I am a firm believer in letting the bullshit go. Because I know how short this life is.

My Interests





Whatever my friends are in!

My Blog

Unbelievable Hockey Fight - This is the greatest!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1-25s4uwFQ Oh my goodness! I have never imagined something so cool. I wish I was at this frick'n game....
Posted by teri fruichantie on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:35:00 PST

I’m tired

I'm so exhausted. I am going out. I am going out to have "FUN." I guess. I guess that's why I didn't take a shower... and put a fresh coat of deoderant on over the all day coat. I have no expec...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 08:46:00 PST

What Almost means to me, now.

 "Almost"  I have always had a funny relationship with this word. This morning I was contemplating  weather or not it's something I want in my life. I like things black and white, there...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 06:48:00 PST


I feel ya Small Fry! When you say you are not here for dating... I get sooooo sick of all these models, producers, smokin hot underwear models, millionaires,  and fitness instructors tr...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:14:00 PST

House of mirrors

"Blame" Relationships are like mirrors. What I am learning is that If I blamed the mirror for what it reflects, I'm only blaming myself. In mirrors, we are always looking at ourselves to see wh...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 10:58:00 PST

My Life

 Last night my body fell asleep. It finally shut off, after being mentally & physically fatigued from life situations. It was like my spirit, finally took over at 4am and said   "No...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 06:33:00 PST

Dolí para usted, En una manera buena.

El corazón está muerto ahora. Pero es una cosa buena. Sé que yo me siento ahora. Tengo que ser más agradable a yo mismo y ser fuerte para yo mismo, antes yo puedo estar contento con amor. Tengo que da...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:31:00 PST

Check out this video: Episode 4

Check out this video: Episode 4 ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 02:55:00 PST

Sign Battle

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2YfgqSQOUc This is my real Job, very exciting!...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:46:00 PST

Cereal Killer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntkgOWktC_4 Cereal Killer!...
Posted by teri fruichantie on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:45:00 PST