Shoes, bones, cats, squirrels, gophers, walks, running in the country,riding in the front seat with my head out the window, going to petsmart, acting crazy in the snow, sleeping in the snow, rolling in the snow, eating snow- pretty much anything to do with snow! I like to dig too- did I mention that? I caught a gopher once, he was scrumptiously says the call of the wild is strong in me...whatever that means...and oh, did I mention I like shoes precious?
Thorin Oakenshield
I don't like loud music- it hurts my ears.
Not too tasty.
My daddy who rescued me and nursed me back to health, Baldy of Nome, Admiral Byrd, Seppala and his Siberians, my friend ISIS, Ella~sorry you met one of the bad humans, they are not all that way,PaigerellyD, & the people who risk everything to save animals.
Thousands of years ago, in the mists of prehistory, human kind made friends with the dog. For the first time, humans encountered another being they neither ate or got eaten by.
The frienship formed that far off day continues to flourish. The relationship between human beings and canines had always been unique. No two species have formed such a close and mutually necessary bond.
If you eliminate smoking and gambling, you will be amazed to find that almost all of a gentleman's pleasures can be, and mostly are, shared by his dog.My name is RA. Ra was a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion. Identified primarily with the mid-day Sun the chief cult centre of Ra was based in Heliopolis meaning "City of the Sun". In later Egyptian dynastic times, Ra was subsumed into the god Horus, as Re-Horakhty (and many variant spellings). He commanded sky, earth, underworld.WOOF