You name it, I'll get distracted by it. It seems I pick up a new interest every 5 friggin' minutes. ENOUGH INTERESTS already. Focus, max, focus.
I like to meet people who tickle my funny bone. I like people more intelligent than myself. I like free-spirits and neurotics. I have no type and no pre-conceived notions.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Too many to list. I used to say I liked everything but country and rap. Well, I think I like those too. I built myself a recording studio in LA and I have much respect for anybody that puts the time in to really finish something. I don't go for this "that sucks, or my band is better" crap. It's all hard work and I'd like to see you do it. I'm currently in my acoustic Indie phase: Hem, Sufjan Stephens, Andrew Bird, Elliot Smith, Rogue Wave, Mountain Goats, Ida, Iron and Wine. Then, of course, there's the slowcore: Northern Chorus, Explosions in the Sky, Guitaro, Mogwai, GSYBE, Low. My dramatic heart beats for these: The Dears, Morrisy, Scissor Sisters, Fiery Furnaces. There's nothing like some glacial electronica to quell a busy mind: Sigur Ros, Hooverphonic, Air, me. This just taps the surface. I have way too much music. Including my own.
Chaplin, Keaton, Lloyd. Donen, Hitchcock, Wells. Kubrick, Houston, Ritt. Lumet, Coppolla, Scorsese. Polanski, Friedkin, Hughes. Soderberg, Anderson, Cohens. I like movies too.
Simpsons, Arrested Development, Most Extreme Elimination, anything on Discovery, History, or Science channel, Antiques Roadshow, NOW, etc...
Mostly non-fiction and biographies.
Issac Newton, Jack Gilford, Woodrow Wilson, Mom, Oprah, My Sister, My crazy Uncle Sam.