Jamie Bernadette profile picture

Jamie Bernadette

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Check out my website: www.jamiebernadette.comI am an actress and a model. I model for several different jeans lines and the clothing lines of Danang and American Vintage. You can find me on jeans.com. Go to the blog section and leave me a comment! I am working on a film called "Mirk Riders" where I play a heavy metal chick, which is totally NOT who I am so it's great art to create! I am having a blast! I just did a horror film, called, "Night Stalker" and another film called, "Savannah's Ghost." I am a strong believer in going with your heart when choosing your career. That is why I am in LA. This is my home.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Behind the umbrella - Image Hosting

My Interests

Acting, writing, modeling


Tori Amos, Coldplay, U2, The Beatles, Smashing Pumpkins, The Sundays, Mazzy Star, Muse, The Doors


Saving Private Ryan, The Piano, Boys Don't Cry, Monster, The Graduate, Romeo and Juliet, Memoirs Of A Geisha, The Big Blue, Little Children, Sense and Sensibility


"The Passion" by Jeanette Winterson, "Ariel" by Sylvia Plath


My sisters and brothers--all 8 of them--for being so strong and hard-working and overcoming obstacles. I love them all so much!

My Blog

modeling job pictures now posted

I did a modeling job and the photographer has a couple of pictures posted.  Check out this website.  There are 3 pictures on there titled, "True Romance 1"  and "True Romance 2"  a...
Posted by Jamie Bernadette on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 04:16:00 PST

see me on danangstore.com

Hi all! go to danangstore.comI am on there under "women" and then "dresses".  you can enlarge each picture and then click on the picture and enlarge it again. I DID NOT CHOOSE TO HAVE MY HAIR LOO...
Posted by Jamie Bernadette on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:00:00 PST

check me out on jeans.com

Check me out on jeans.comClick on "Blogs"  and scroll down and you will see my picture!...
Posted by Jamie Bernadette on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:55:00 PST