Yayeth Corpse was born in January 1999 and started to play death metal.
After successive changes, the band was stabilizised in 2003 : Excruciate at vocals and bass, Darknitter and Tourment at guitars and Impeltor at drums.
The musical style evolved to an hybrid of death metal and black metal.
Not having any belief in a god whatever it is, they decided to create their own divinity, Yayeth the monarch of the corpses, and reported the history of his Cult.
In 2005 Yayeth Corpse released its first self-product album, Revere the Unholy, and works actually on its second one, Heretical Rites, which will be released in end of october.
The band had played for 50 gigs in Lorraine (France), Luxembourg and Belgium, and will be back on stage for the end of 2007.
In september 2007, Heretical Rites is now released an d the band start to play live to promote its new album around the nord-east of France.
In july 2008, for professionals reasons, Tourment leaves the band after five years of really prolific collaboration. Now, Yayeth Corpse is a trio, and the show must go on in order to honour the commitments entered for the concerts to come, while being in the search of a new guitarist.
August 2008, Loki (Frekkr) join Yayeth Corpse.
1 or 2 CD or 1 TS = 2,00 € -- 1 Bundle Discography = 2,00 €
1 Bundle "Heretical Rites" or 1 Bundle "La Totale" = 4,00 €
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Le CD "Heretical Rites" est également disponible à l'Espace Culturel du Centre E. Leclerc de Lunéville au prix de 13 €