ID. Darthaius NewXaphoa
AGE: 20 yrs old.
HUE: Black, Coal Grey & Dark Crimson
ZODIAC: Rabbit/Virgo~Libra
OCCUPATION: Wandering Student & Lucid Dreamer
PERSONALITY: Widely Separated & Inimitable
NETWORK: Best veiwed in Internet Explorer
"The Music Before You Says Everything"
MY THOUGHTS: -(1)- In this reality there's always something worth "dying" for but there's absolutely nothing worth "killing" for. Senseless violence is for those who have lost their "imagination". Seems that most of this world has banished all means upon the faculty of imagining, and have also even given up on ways of clairvoyant "thinking". Actions shall always only speak the words they can. So why not rather create a reality with your words and give birth to opportunity. For you'll discover that in the end it was "indeed" worth dying for. Well, at least that's how I see it... -(2)- As character directs aging, aging reveals character. An place us in contact with the naked reality...concealed behind the robes of falsehood. In many aspects/perceptions, falsehood often wears the robes of commonly accepted truths, the common unconsciousness we share with one another. A therapy of ideas could free us from the conventions that keep our minds from committing interesting transgressions. This is for all of you out there (~Brothers, Sisters, Nakamas~)..."Character" refers to the distinctive qualities of an individual, and can also mean a person in a work of fiction or played on the stage. The word wraps together the peculiarities of the author's individuality, the act of writing, and the book as a stage peopled by imagination. We are each an "each". As "each"es, we are unique because each of us has, or is, a specific character that stays the same. -(3)- Death is not a subject for thought, because it cannot be subjected to thought; death is beyond thought, unreachable by its methods. Logic, demonstration, experiment...all come up with blanks. Death has no psychology, no phenomenology other than symbolisms, spiritualisms, and metaphysical speculations. No one knows a thing about it. There is “nothing†to think about. “A free man thinks of death least of all thingsâ€. -(4)- One's remaining image, the unique way of being and doing, left in the minds of other's, continues to act upon them in anecdote, reminiscence, dream; as exemplar, mentoring voice and an ancestor. A potent force working in those lives left to live. LinksOmnipotent & Omniscient Ones!