Aloha. My name is Jaana. I like video games, anime, martial arts, computers, and pretending like I'm Batman. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I would like to pursue rank in other martial arts as well once I recover from my recent knee surgery. I am pursuing my Bachelor's in Fine Arts, focusing on Graphic Design and Illustration, but my true aspiration is to be the world's foremost expert on etch-a-sketching and painting things about how I "feel" while starving to death and bumming off the government.
I also like to dress up, whether it be to just get out of the ordinary (in fancy clothes, historical costume or lingerie) or impersonating beloved anime/video game/fictional characters, as long as it's enough to mask my usual identity. Mwahaha.
I love Harry Potter.
I'm right-handed, though I'm not sure if I'm a left brain thinker or a right brain one. I have bad eyesight and I can do that wavy thing with my tongue.
I've been observed (and told) to be be extremely competitive. *looks at you funny* Come on, bring it! I'llwhoop you at anything from Street Fighter to Tahitian dancing! YOU IS GOING DOOOOWN!!!!! YA' HEAR ME?! ....
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Did I mention I also talk a lot of shit?
By the way, I don't comment on people's pages (most of the time), and I'm totally oblivious to this whole "myspace etiquette" thing, so don't be offended if you posted on my page and I didn't post back, or something...that's all stupid girly-man shit, I tell you.
Click the link below to see the webcomic I draw!
It's about video games if you're into that.
Click the link below to see my superwaycool to the max Miss Video Game Profile!