About Me
..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
We understand punk as a culture of resistance. It has nothing to do with the self-destruction, apathy, drug abuse and violence without reason, which mass media are trying to associate us with. Many bands are responsible for distorting our true desires by using our culture to reach their personal aims (profit and fame), confusing a lot of people and contradicting and devaluating our effort.
We are against authority and power in any form. We claim creativity and DIY do it yourself as our main weapons. Music, zines, poetry and painting are just some of the means to express our feelings and spread our ideas. Our aesthetics is part of our culture. We use it as a means to express ourselves and not as a fashion, packed and sold by the money-makers of the institutionalised rebellion. We know that the important thing is to be coherent when it comes to putting into practise our ideas in our daily life.
Re-evolution is our first step towards change, getting rid of the lies and prejudices that we have been taught since we were children. We reject the absurd way of life that we are supposed to get used to, that is limited to being born/growing up/studying/working/consuming/reproducing ourselves and then dying, where the material things have more value than humanity, where fascism, racism and sexism are just the normal currency.
We dont believe in their false democracies which install their peace all over the world with their bombs. Neither in their false elections where the same masters of all the times hide behind changing masks.
We are trying to be a real threat to this system of hunger, death and destruction of life (human as well as animal) and nature. We are not pretending to renovate it, but to destroy it, since we are convinced that on its ruins a life full of dignity for all will flourish, together with our liberty and self-determination.
We know that we cannot reach that alone. Thats why we are trying to form groups, organize ourselves, create networks of information, organize protests, boycotts and different activities, encourage the fanzine fair/spaces of spreading libertarian material, free radios etc and feed them with new material to spread. We need spaces where we can carry out our activities, liberate our own spaces and organize ourselves with social centres and squats.
We are neither the illuminated nor the punk avant-garde. We dont believe in dogmas nor in structures. We are not part of a political party neither are we a group of self-marginalized people. We have no idols, no gods, and neither do we have a colour, race or credo. We are simply ourselves, people like you and so many others who are tired of expecting magic solutions, we decide to take control of our lives, become the architects of our own destiny and start to change things beginning from our little place.
Weve known each other for a while and we share many things, starting with protests, concerts and activities up to simple meals, trips and adventures which are not less important. Punk for us was a link under which we came together, friendship keeps us together. Our ideas are similar, we share a related taste, but our thoughts are not unique. We are individuals and we respect our differences. We enrich ourselves in debates, we learn/teach, thats what it is about. This is the way our idea to form the collective was born, from the desire and the necessity to spread our culture, the punk culture. To show what we do and what we look for in a conscious and creative way. To show what others do. We believe that our affinity group was the indicated way for the modelling of our group, where interaction is constant and projects can be specified in a fresh and enjoyable way. We organize horizontally and by consensus, without leaders or bureaucracy. We are convinced that positive things will be the outcome of this project, by taking the initiative it was already a success in itself. Especially in this part of the world, a country devastated by institutional violence and where the punk scene destroys itself day by day with its ignorance, which is based on a lack of information but we will overcome that. We hope to link with other collectives, groups and people who share our worries in order to generate more activities together.
There will be more news soon, this is not the end but just the beginning