Bio Crisis (Mexico Tour en Junio) profile picture

Bio Crisis (Mexico Tour en Junio)

satan punx mafia

About Me

*Bio Crisis nacio a finales del 2005. La alineacion en es tiempo era: Neto, Marco, Rodrigo y Miguel. Hoy en dia Bio Crisis es: Neto, Miky, Che, Patrick y Luzen.
Todos los miembros tenemos conceptos distintos acerca de Bio Crisis, y es lo que nos hace lo que somos, pero a pesar de las distintas formas de pensar entre los integrantes, logramos expresar en nuestra musica lo que sentimos. Mucha gente todavia tiene el concepto de la banda como lo que fue hace 2 años cuando en ese entonces nos asemejabamos mas al sonido de la ultima generacion de crust europeo (ekkaia jajaja), hoy en dia despues de varios cambios en la alineacion y la salida de mas de 4 integrantes nos definimos como una banda de D-beat Crust Tijuanero... TIJUANA CRUST MAFIA!!!
*Bio Crisis was born on 2005. The lineup then was: Neto, Rodrigo, Marco and Miguel. Today Bio Crisis is: Neto, Che, Miky, Patrick and Luzen.
All the members in the band have different points of view about what Bio Crisis means, and it is what makes us what we are, and we try to express it on our music. A lot of people still have the concept of the band that we were 2 years ago, in that moment we sounded pretty much like the newest generation of european crust (ekkaia haha), in this moment after several changes in the alignment and after 4 members left the band, we define ourselves like a Tijuanean D-beat Crust band... UP THE TJ CRUST MAFIA!!!.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/26/2006
Band Members:
Neto: guitar/vox

Che: guitar

Patrick: bass

Angel: drums

Luzen: vokals

Influences: crust, hardcore, punk, rock and roll, scandinavian riffs, down-tunned guitars, blast beats, roars and growls, his hero is wolf... lo que sea ese!
Sounds Like: ...(8)
Record Label: looking for...
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this event: Extreme Noise Terror /Phobia

Hosted By: Bio CrisisWhen: Saturday Apr 12, 2008 at 6:00 PMWhere: Aloha barAve Revolucion (entrada por callejon travieso)Tijuana, México|432 MexicoDescription:Bio Crisis Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Bio Crisis (Mexico Tour en Junio) on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 05:24:00 PST

split 7 w/Slaktattack

We are working on our first 7" ep it's going to be a split with the swedish band Slaktattackto listen to them info soon!------------------------------------------------...
Posted by Bio Crisis (Mexico Tour en Junio) on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:56:00 PST

split 7"ep w/Mohoram Atta

We are also working on new songs for a 7"split ep with Mohoram Attaany labels interested ??? feel free to send us a messageto listen to them more info soon!!!--------------...
Posted by Bio Crisis (Mexico Tour en Junio) on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 01:56:00 PST

4 song demo info

recorded at NecroMusick std.january 12th and 19thproduced by bio crisisengineered by Luis Lizarraga
Posted by Bio Crisis (Mexico Tour en Junio) on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:51:00 PST