dressing up, themes, plots, adventures, questions, hypotheses, projects, shapes, colors, challenges, joy, music, dance, meeting new people, spending time with friends, kissing, cuddling, innuendo, writing, reading, performance, bliss, eyes, imagination, dreams, stars, night, new places, travel
People who squint their eyes to see sparkles
Anybody who doesn't fit the box into which they were born
Independent clauses and those who love them
Somebody with a project, not a plan
Companions for road trips, and people to visit
A person who makes me feel like singing
David Bowie, the ones I added to my Friends, anything that makes me want to scream or sing or cry or shake my ass
I love movies but I don't watch many because I don't make the time for them
All the gay stuff (like almost everything on Bravo), Venture Bros., and of course The A-Team because I also love it when a plan comes together (and wearing black leather gloves)
yes, please