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synaptic blips to fingertips

About Me

: white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat.

My Interests

Music, Film, Photography, and Japanese food.

I'd like to meet:

Listeners. Those who steer clear of hasty judgements. Lovers. Nobody is perfect....but making your best effort to do the right thing and be a good person is what strengthens character, morale, and integrity.


love. Hot Chip - Sexual Healing

Uploaded by edbangerrecords Server crashed, so music player is down for a while until i find a new one to upload my music files to :**-(

This list changes if your curious about what I'm listening to at the moment -- just look at the top listings in my music player. I add on to it, so it's in a sort of chronological order since the very first track I played in it, starting at the bottom of the list.

Bjork, Jacques Lu Cont, The Postal Service, Stars, Pinback, Feist, M.I.A., Scissor Sisters, Rilo Kiley, Robyn, mstrkrft, Justice, Simian Mobile Disco,LCD Soundsystem, Lady Sov, Regina S, Lupe Fiasco, Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, The Presets, Soulwax, Blonde Redhead, Deerhoof, The Sounds, Sufjan Stevens, Cut Copy, Broken Social Scene, Maria Taylor, Roisin Murphy, Sia, Annie, Mylo, Editors,Metric, Tegan And Sara, Goldfrapp, Tv on The Radio, Ladytron, Phoenix, Juliette and the Licks, The Bravery, Aqualung, Doves, Bloc Party, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Album Leaf, Talib Kweli, Elliott Smith, Bright Eyes, The Roots, Interpol, Gram Rabbit, Snow Patrol, Richard X, The Killers, Morrissey, Deathcab for Cutie, Cake, Air, Modest Mouse, The Dresden Dolls, Matisyahu, L.Kim, Rachel Yamagata, Imogen Heap, Sigur Ros, The Arcade Fire, Richard D James, Res, Kelis, Eric Davenport, Royksopp, Blur, Franz Ferdinand, Beck, Her Space Holiday, Chicks on Speed, Autolux, Ryan Adams, Miguel Miggs, The Streets, Dizzee Rascal, Chemical Bros, Adam F, The Smiths, The Shins, Trina, The Secret Machines, The Sugar Cubes, The Faint, Felix da Housecat, Miss Kitten, Outkast, Le Tigre, Covenant, Guru, Tiga, Erikah Badu, Angie Stone, Ben Watt, Daft Punk, William Orbit, Esthero, Fiona Apple, Beth Orton, Radiohead, Weezer, Dirty Sanchez, Tori Amos...not going to list everyone...just those that more closely define my taste.img src=" er_star_turntable_ring.jpg"


Requiem for a Dream, Mulholland Dr, Irriversable, Romie and Michelles High School Reunion, Punch Drunk Love, Showgirls, Muriels Wedding, Diary of Bridget Jones, Amelie, ALL GreggAraki films, Groove, Paris is Burning, Jawbreaker, Dogville, Donnie Darko, Clueless, Superstar, Human Traffic, American Beauty, Run Lola Run, Ghostworld, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Party Monster(SHOCKumentary), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, Sordid Lives, Maria Full of Grace, i ♥ huckabees, Dig!...and more to come.


6FU, The Simpsons, Nip/Tuck, Sex and the City, Tracy Takes On, Da Ali G Show, Strangers With Candy, The Golden Girls, AbFab, Daria, My So Called Life, Ren and Stimpy, The Family Guy


The Rules of Attraction, The Owners Manual for The Brain, A Wrinkle in Time, James and The Giant Peach, Like Water for Chocolate, magz: Vice, Paper, Rolling Stone, Urb, Mixer, XLR8R