Man's Last Great Invention profile picture

Man's Last Great Invention

"I can't taste past the sweet."

About Me

OK. It's time to start digging out your old banjos, guitars, bowls, kick drums, bongos, clapping hands, nintendos, kazoos, screams, televisions, cats, washtub basses, art, dolphins, crazy eyes, tds, feet, and anything that you might like to make sound and music with. One Song Sunday is upon us. June 1st at Box Awesome downstairs... Starting at Noon the sound will begin and will not end until 1am...ultimate patience in collaboration. Please Join Us! April Club Music
If you haven't already, go to our new blog for more updates!
What an amazing 2 weeks! The Predator screening was magical. We will be doing more live soundtracks soon. Check out what Zachary Schomburg had to say about the event!
"The Predator is obviously a really cheesy action movie--there are tons of ridiculous tongue-in-cheek moments, and plenty of laugh out loud one liners--but I really enjoyed how at most points your music actually took me away from that aspect of the flim. I was trying very hard to watch it with more of an "open mind"; this is, to watch as if I didn't know the story and didn't get the pop culture cliches and jokes. Instead I tried to make it more atmospheric. I tried to look at it as a harmony between the music and the pictures, one that would really let the music set the mood and feeling rather than any prior knowledge or gut-level cringing at Arnold and J. Ventura's acting skills. I have to say, I was successful with that, and it really helped me to explore a different level of the movie, and I had a great time doing it!"
---Brett Wertz, Lincoln
We had two shows in Detroit, at the Lager House and the Berkley Front over the last weekend. Both were phenomenal thanks to our friends Tom and Chris filling in on guitar, bass, drums, and soundscapes, as well as the great people of Michigan. Thanks again for a great time!Much is in the works at the moment. August 22nd will be a packed afternoon and evening. At Cultiva coffee (1501 South St in Lincoln NE) we will be joining many other musicians and bands playing music in the parking lot! After a pleasant time there, we will head over to 2430 P St. (see image above) to play a house show with Daniel Striped Tiger and Ghost Towns around 7pm. More details as they arrive!
video by elisabeth, old mlgi recording:
*we miss house shows (tear). is anyone willing to share their basement?
*if you would like a cd of the latest sound development of MLGI, send us a message
So, a few things:
...brutally exhausted from staying up way too late last night rockin' out at the chatterbox with Divider Chooser and Piasa. If you haven't gotten to a show with either of these groups, get off your bottom... please. It's well worth it.
And, as always, sticking around for the late show to see Wastoid was WELL WORTH IT. Thanks again, Lincoln's own Grandma Lightspeeeeed Metal.
Triangle Forest had some troubles in Alabama and have cancelled their tour. This is unfortunate, I hope all is well with them. You all should all try to come out to the Chatterbox because the show is still on. Huskernaut will give you more of his sorted space life story on 8 TV SCREENS! Her Flyaway Manner is rocking harder than ever. You can just see it in their faces! Man's Last Great Invention will be playing as well.
That's Friday, August 18th The Chatterbox 815 O St. 9pm, Huskernaut, Man's Last Great Invention, Her Flyaway Manner
Elisabeth Grindcore providing film projections for Man's Last Great Invention.
A Pocket of Hope
Jillian, Topher and Anderson played a private Prairie Hill party last night.we all returned home feeling fulfilled, body and was such a wonderful evening, well spent with many warm friends in a dreamy back seems to be the theme this year.
remember to keep your calendars marked for August 15th. with Luke on drums we will perform with hzmt (new york) and piasa (D.C.) at the C-box. check our show listings for more info.
one last thing. Man's Last Great Invention currently in cahoots with Michael Samos of Marah-mar.working on some remixes. listen to the first in the series, a remix of "The Infinite Loss of Expression"
you can now listen to many more tracks from Man's Last Great Invention at as well as on streaming radio.check it out.
what's happening? well, this Saturday, June 24th.we play the Prairie Hill Summer Solstice party.planning a tour for dec/jan 06/07.if you're interested in having us play in your bedroom live.or anywhere else.aug 15th some noise with piasa and hzmt.check it out at the chatterbox . other shows coming up. just added some rhythmic sounds from Lincoln's own Luke P. sounds good. i can't wait for you to hear it.later. ande
.show tonite at 11th and Saratoga.with film projection.things fall together.given a 16mm film projector and found tons of old instructional 16mm films from the Southeast High dumpster (thanks to the tip from Jane!). working on the Man's Last Great Invention website. stay tuned.
.last night Jillian, Chris, and I played outside for the first time together and I must say that I am so happy to be playing music with friends again.thanks, you two.
------------------------------------------------------------ ----
i am more than pleased to allow the use of these tracks for other tracks, remixes, film sounds. please let me know.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/31/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: ever in flux, the following people are the growing and diminishing parts of a system, Man's Last Great Invention:
Anderson Josef Reinkordt (guitar)
Topher Ware (keys)
Jillian Savage (cello)
Jon McQuillan (bass)
Elisabeth Reinkordt (film projection)
Luke "ande will always spell wrong" Polipnik (rhythms)
Jason Buckner (korg, singing bowl)
Mathias Svalina (the howl of wolves)
Michael Hernandez-Stern (birds and sounds)
Predator (rarr)
Tom Currie (bass, guitar)
Chris, the magician, Lavaque (drums, soundscapes)
Nick Kuhl (yes! more drums!)
Teal Gardner (sing sing)
Anders Peterson (percuss)
Jim Schroeder (guitar)

Sounds Like: sleeping.
a fraction of infinity.
mo(u)rning and rejoicing.

Type of Label: None

My Blog

April Club Music is alive! Free Full Album Downloads.

Hey. Horse. Coughing. Nails. Secure the top. Spin on. Free bytes. Man's Last Great Invention. TDS. Atemzug. April Club...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Sun, 25 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

One Song Sunday!

OK. It's time to start digging out your old banjos, guitars, bowls, kick drums, bongos, clapping hands, nintendos, kazoos, screams, televisions, cats, washtub basses, art, dolphins, crazy eyes, tds, f...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

Check out this event: Brunch and music at the Benson Grind in Omaha

Hosted By: Man's Last Great Invention When: Sunday Sep 30, 2007 at 10:00 AMWhere: The Benson Grind6107 Maple St.Omaha, NE 68104United StatesDescription:Man's Last Great Invention Click Here To View E...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:22:00 PST


well, it's about time.let's move up and at 'em.go to mlgi.blogspot.comto know
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 05:55:00 PST


A Sort of...Prologue "I was originally going to write this in the form of a book, but I got to thinking that blogging seems to be the way of the future, and I...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 06:12:00 PST

Check out this event: Huskernaut!

Hosted By: someone elseWhen: Tuesday Sep 05, 2006 at 9:00 PMWhere: The C-box815 O. St.Lincoln, NE 68505USDescription:someone else Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 09:06:00 PST

i just keep leaving for something or other...

back from the sleep lab... then out to nebraska... back from that now. just being a slacker. wanting to do so many things, but getting very little done.
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

In case I am not able to reply to messages...

...starting July 29th I will be locked in a lab with no daylight, contact with anyone, or any way of telling the time of the day for nearly two weeks. Why might this happen? Well, I need money and I h...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

like a giddy boy with a new crush...

... i have found new motivations towards music. my good friends John Gruen and Taylor Baldwin have joined Man's Last Great Invention, adding incredible background and percussion. Taylor and I played t...
Posted by Man's Last Great Invention on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST