Rugby, Athletics,Football,American Football and Weightlifting. Basically Sports and General Fitness. Of course im interested in women well what straight bloke isn't.
Jason White,Martin Johnson,Arnold Schwarzzeneger Jason Robinson Elisha Cuthbert,Theirry Henry,Brett Farve, Sylveser stallone and last but not least Chris Patterson because he my new rugby playin hero.
Mostly heavy rock music or generally rock music. Judas Priest, Metallica, Guns n roses you get the picture. Even though I absoulutely love Bowling for soup there just amazing.
Anything really from Hardcore action to Romanctic Comedies.My favourite film is definetly Forrest Gump because he reminds me a little bit of myself. My favourite collections of films are the Rocky Movies.
American Sit Coms, British Sit Coms and anything thats good. However a rugby match on TV always wins especially if Scotland are playing.
I generally hate reading but Jason Robinsons Autobiography is awesome and my only series of books ive read are the Secret diary of Adrian mole books which are brilliant.
Sylvester Stallone,Martin Johnson,Brett Farve, Theirry Henry Jason White, Jason Robinson, Chris Patterson and of course my parents because without them i wouldn't have achieved what i have desired and accomplished in my life.