There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
i Love antique computer games.
my Life Looks and feeLs very much Like this one.
Someone who doesn't fall into the ever narrowing parameters of correctness - but NOT someone who scares me in the process of doing it.
Someone who isn't scared to like heavy metal and easy listening at the same time.
Someone who'll join me in the Summer sun. I live in London, so maybe there is a bit of time before this sun happens.
Someone like... YOU?
bands i like - bearsuit,
tokyo fist, underground, bLack cat white cat, man bites dog, spinaL tap - oh god yeah... i aLso Love boLLywood fiLms, they have the best fiLm-scores in the whoLe worLd - aLthough they Lost it compLeteLy from about 1982 - so thats makes naseeb officaiLLy the best fiLm in the worLd. couLdnt expLain to you what the pLot was exactLy though. i Love jackie chan fiLms from arround this time as weLL. i modeLLed my Latest fringe haircut on him in the eighties.
I've been BBC3 once pretending to be in my friends band and then being forced to collaborate in the old Big Breakfast house with some kind of boyband. The boys started doing circuit training and Rob and myself started playing a stiring rendition of the music from "Chariots of Fire", but they cut it out.
nietzsche is a good Laugh, i have a degree in phiLosophy though so dont ask me about it. my favourite phiLosopher is Liebniz. weLL, he's not my favourite but he said a great thing. we dont actuaLLy die - we just get smaLLer and smaLLer and smaLLer!
Socrates (the footbaLLer)
Joe Meek
I can't think!