Mike, Music, art (mine and yours), love that crosses parallel universes, books, being apart of the greater good, powerful and fast machines, bananas, shamanism, polaroid pictures, a sad and pitiful sight, mexican martinis at Trudy's in Austin, juice, body movement, wonka vision, elephants, life threatening or altering situations, museums, mishaps in adventure, color, postsecret, long drawn out road trips, Buddhism, flannel sheets, lemon drop martinis at the Ritz in C.S., anthropology, root beer, boxing, fuzzy cats, Sasquatch Festival at the Gorge with Mike Original, spontanious human combustion(fascinating), something that is because it wants to be, a good poet, a revolution, an idea, and anyone who can rock the fuck out!
the world. oh and these guys...Christain BaleThe Dean of MeanNick 13Zach Braff
Just go check out my friends and you'll get a fine idea.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Amelie, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Being John Malkovich, Army of Darkness, The Never-Ending Story, Legend, The Thomas Crown Affair, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Roman Holiday, Slam, The Grudge, Love Actually, American Beauty, Whale Rider, Happy Accidents, Kundun, Great Expectations, Momento, Labrynth, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Lost in Translation, Wild at Heart, Waking Life, Event Horizon, Northfork, Stealing Beauty, Before Sunrise, Secretary, Me and You and Everyone We Know, A Scanner Darkly, Sin City, True Romance, The Believer, Brick, The Fountain. I encourage everyone to go see The Fountain, open your mind and your eyes. By the way, if anyone has seen that last one please talk to me about it!!! I like anything with intelligence, movies that don't talk down to me and have perfect character development. Not big on most Hollywood crap.
Yen can Cook because if Yen can cook, THEN SO CAN YOU!!! Curb your Enthusiasm, Globetrekker, Reading Rainbow, Rescue Me, anything on the National Geographic Channel, The Girls Next Door. "Hef's not afraid of commitment, he's afraid of monogomy." -Holly....
Currently reading Alice in Wonderland and the Dead Emcee Scrolls, Saul Williams.
My brother and...
What should Laura do next?
Take over as the best dictator the world has ever seen.
Keep going to college and eventually get a degree of some kind.
Move to Hollywood and be make-up artist for those dingy stars.
Move to England and make lots of babies.
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