Its 2007 and I still like a lot of things form Afro-beat to Punk/rock/rockability. Its all in me. Im a jack of all trades and I still trying to figure out what I want out of this big dust ball called earth and life.My first video! ..
Cool black folk and all of my friends on myspace, (thats if I dont already know you duh!)
And people who could come up with random quotables like "hipster-emo-fagster-nigster-crackster-sterster-ster'.People
who are of a evolutionary Mentality
Revolutionary Mentality
(from Kid Kourage)
1. Study-Oriented: reads, evaluates and debates books, newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals. Accepts the challenge of education.
2. Worker: looks for ways in which to actively work for self; may hold a job outside in order to sustain self and family. Self-Reliant.
3. Organized and Systematic - efficient and diligent.
4. Progressively Collective; conscious of others; Cooperative.
5. Family Oriented: regards mate as partner in struggle; loves children. Values trust in relationships.
6. Land Conscious: realizes that the only thing that nobody is making any more of is land.
7. Disciplined: strong, unyielding and energetic.
8. Serious. Practices fair play. Honest and dependable.
9. Analytical and critical.
10. Frugal: buys mainly on need basis; saves.
11. Social life is developmental and involves children.
12. Creatively Aggressive: will dare the impossible if it is possible.
13. Respects Elders.
14. Dislikes incompetence and mediocrity.
15. Fights against Black on Black crime and understands that its root is white on Black crime.
16. Loves Black art, music and literature.
17. Can give and follow instructions. Encourages experimentation and criticism.
18. Committed to Black Liberation - local, national and international.
19. Does not use drugs.
20. Politically Active. Not crisis-oriented; acts on information rather than reacts. Plans ahead for the long term; alert; prepared for change.
21. Self-Confident. Respects others regardless of race or culture.
22. Understands the economic forces that control our lives on a local, national and international level.
23. Rational in decisions and actions.
24. Rewards merit and achievement.
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Lord of the rings, Afro-punk, Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind, Neapolean Dynamite, Tsotsi, We Are Not Alone, any thing with black people.My mtv2 spot #1
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