~KriSteN~ profile picture


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experienc

About Me

I'm the real-deal-Holyfield!Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Space, the Universe, astrology, physics, metaphysics, and all things considered unknown or unseen lite me up the most, but music feeds my soul...and my soul is always hungry...but when it gets full my soul takes a shit and I like to call that dancing! I frickin love to dance. It's my favorite form of expression. Sound in general is extremely fascinating. I aspire to be a part of the future of music and the way we listen to it. I am also interested in people in general and the human condition. Being a humanitarian and all, I love finding ways to help people when all else has failed. I love challenging tasks and I love doing them well.

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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is truly happy to be who they are. I also have a strange fondness of the eccentric, the brilliant, and the insane.


House, Tech house, Deep house, Progressive house, Acid house, Funky house, Tribal house, Techno, Minimal techno, Breakbeat, & Downtempo. I love super dark crazy sounds that tear into my mind, and a deep sexy house beat gets me instantly high. I respect the shit out of Richie Hawtin. He is the fucking man. He's the future of sound and seeing him live will change your life. Got to give it up for Tool, Soundgarden, AIC, eariler NIN, and Depeche Mode. Madonna is my goddess because her music had the deepest and earliest impact on me, along with Michael and Janet. I love me some good ole classic rock...Zepplin, Doors, Jimmy, etc....but I feel so warm and fuzzy when I break out the old school funk, electro funk, disco and hip hop. Its like Im home again :)


Lord of the Rings, Pulp Fiction, Exorcist, Kill Bill, The Abyss, Batman, Donnie Darko, What the Bleep, South Park Movie, Matrix, The Cube, Crouching Tiger, The Notebook, A Clockwork Orange, Ace Ventura


Comedy Central is where I usually reside, but Cartoon Network, National Geographic, History Channel, and the Discovery Channel often allure me. Oh yeah, I am totally addicted to Lost. Its the best show ever-no really.


Stephen Hawkings works..frickin brilliant, Linda Goodman..bless her little heart, The Dalai Lama..a gift to all, Roald Dahl...always fed my imagination, Deepak Chopra and all works on the topic of Metaphysical principals and the seach for truth.


All pioneers of thought, music, art, medicine, and anyone who selflessly does what they know they were meant to do in aiding humanity and the future is my hero.