Cruise Inn profile picture

Cruise Inn

The Official Cruise Inn Page for Band Bookings

About Me

Located at:
Zuiderzeeweg 29
The Netherlands
The Cruise Inn was founded almost 25 years ago by a Rock and Roll gang called, "The Bop Cats". They were a small group of young people who sewed a patch with their gang name on their leather jackets during the late seventies/early eighties.
They started out with just 5 to 10 guys and girls and their gang soon grew to about 40 people. Having a big gang like that, they needed a clubhouse. One of them told everybody that he knew an old wooden shed at the eastern part of Amsterdam, which used to be a former church and after that a discotheque. Considering it wasn't being used at that particular time, they took their oppurtunity and confiscated the building. They fixed up the place here and there, installed some fifties gear, made a bar, a d.j. boot, a small stage for bands etc, etc. Thanks to volunteers since then, The Cruise Inn was celebrating it's 20th aniversary in december 2002!
However, due to the new plans made by the city of Amsterdam, the shed had to be taken down. A lot of volunteers who made the Cruise for what it stands for now, didn't accept this and some of them (Lien, Gonzo) were negotiating with city hall to arrange a new location. And that worked...
Because the Bopcats and regular visitors build and made their own Cruise Inn from the first till the last brick, they decided to break it down theirselves as well!!
This happened by a demolitionparty on the 9th of december 1999.
Luckily the new location is very near to the original one, which means all you cats and chicks won't have any trouble in finding the new Cruise Inn.
By now.... we are located for a few years in our "new" wooden shed!
But.... not for very long,.... because this is only a temporary building. We have to leave (again) somewere around 2011. The moving committee is allready busy with a new location.... again!!
But we are pleased to announce that we celebrated our 25th anniversary on November 23rd and 24th of 2007 and it was a tremendous succes.Cruise Inn is proud to say that we can continue to Rock and Roll into our 26th year and hopefully more years to come.That all depends on YOU! So don't let us the Cruise Inn and keep coming to our gigs.Hope to see you all there.
For updates we will keep you informed so be sure to check our page regularly!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/6/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Bands can contact us at:

[email protected]

or go to:

Feel free to send us a message!

Rockin' Regards,


I edited my profile with Cruise Inn' Myspace Editor V1982

Influences: The Rockin' 1950's!
Sounds Like: Rock & Roll, Rock á Billy, Hillbilly, Country, Western Swing, Jive, Boppin' Blues, Surf!!!

One of our founders whom we miss dearly....Rebel With A Cause!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None