Glenda LotusEyes profile picture

Glenda LotusEyes

The Universe is conspiring to shower you with blessings

About Me

I am a transformative visionary, an agent of change.
I am a massage therapist, present to help you heal and change.
I am an artist. I use many media, but my favorites are singing and painting on bodies.
I am originally from Rome, and many of my MySpace friends are from there, so that's why the following paragraphs are in Italian.

Basta, mo sto mio MySpace lo faccio soprattutto in Italiano, allora. Tanto siete tutti qui, e sietequasi tutti Italiani. Per chi vuole l'Inglese, beh, dovra' scrollare. :) Sono contentissima di essere venuta a Roma e avervi rivisto! E' sempre una sensazione particolare tornare a Roma e ritrovare amici cosi stupendi, che ancora si ricordano di me, dopo dieci anni che non vivo piu' nella citta' eterna. Sara' perche' ho lasciato un pezzo del mio cuore da voi?

Io sono sempre la solita Glenda matta, con un sacco di interessi e di cose da fare. Di lavoro faccio l'interprete e la massaggiatrice. Ancora canto, ma da sola a casa che a trovare un gruppo, ormai, e' diventato un casino. Ah, e forse vado a cantare nel coro dei Baha'i. Perche', alla fine, tutti gli dei sono uno, e loro hanno un bel coro e un tempio da sturbo. Ballo pure, specie la danza del ventre. E faccio un casino con il fuoco: poi, sputafuoco, falo' vari.

E siccome tanto di essere matti si parla, ho anche creato un gruppo: . Si parlava un po' di sere fa, con vari amici romani di chissa' che fine ha fatto questo e quello.... Bene, io ho pensato che magari una cosa bella sarebbe di intanto avere un ritrovo virtuale della gente che una volta era a Piazza. Vediamo un po' che succede.

Per contattarmi, la maniera migliore e' ancora Email. fatevi vivi da soulinflames at (e se servono inviti Gmail, chiedetemi che ne ho una tonnellata). Per messenger sono lotus.hands sia su Yahoo che MSN. Non sempre mi va di chattare, ma se risulto online, fatemi un salutino.

I don't spend a lot of time on MySpace, so, chances are you will have more luck finding out what I am up to at, I keep my blog update quite regularly there. This venue is mostly to keep in touch with my Italian friends, hence the gobbledygook above. If you read English, check out my journal, there is a lot of stuff there.

It was always hard to define me, and I guess as time goes by, it gets harder even for me. So I'm not even gonna try.

I love life, I love change.

Myspace Layouts by

My Interests

all night conversations, altered consciousness, Anais Nin, androgyny, anything weird, art, art nouveau, astronomy, autumn, bare feet, Charles Baudelaire, BDSM, bellydance, bellydancing, biting, blood, body art, bodypainting, books, CCLE, chaos, chaos magick, cognitive liberty, communal living, composing, consciousness, costume, creative writing, cultural anthropology, dance, dancing, divinity, eccentricity, entheogens, fashion design, feminism, film, films, fire, fire spinning, firedancing, flames, Giordano Bruno, good food, H.R. Giger, heresy, Hermann Hesse, intensity, intentional communities, Jack Kerouac, Lady Oscar, Lethe, licking, life as art, linguistics, literature, logoeroticism, Loki, love, M.A.P.S., massage, Michael Moorcock, modeling, moonlight, music, my beautiful cunt, my cats, mysticism, mythology, Neil Gaiman, Nikola Tesla, NPR, oddities, other minds, paganism, pain, pantheism, passion, philosophy, photography, poetry, poi, polyamory, psychology, rain, reading, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Anton Wilson, romance and perversion, sacred sexuality, Sandman, Scandinavia, scars, self observation, self-improvement, self-reliance, sex, shamanism, shameless flirting, singing, sleeping with windows open, sound, spirals, spirituality, surrealism, sustainability, tai chi, talent, tattooing, tattoos, Terry Pratchett, the wicker man, touch, victoriana, voluntary death, water, wind, writing, yoga, zos kia cultus,

I'd like to meet:

Bandmates, most of all. I am a singer.

Amici Romani!


Igor Stravinsky, Pink Floyd, 16 Horsepower, WovenHand, Green Carnation, Dead Can Dance, My Dying Bride, The Gathering, Pelican, Bauhaus, Neurosis, Opeth, Elend, Enslaved, Trailer Bride, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Satyricon, Mercan Dede, Shpongle, Tortoise, Younger Brother, Celtic Cross, Anathema, Arcturus, Katatonia...


The Wicker Man, The City of Lost Children, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus, 12 Monkeys, Eric the Viking...


I don't watch TV anymore, yet I am still getting DVDs or streams of: Six Feet Under, South Park, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart .. width="425" height="350" ..


Demian, Les Chants de Maldoror, Lolita, Von Bek, Pirandello, Geek Love, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, E.A. Poe, Robert Anton Wilson, Pronoia, ...


Bill Hicks, Rob Breszny, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Robert Anton Wilson, Aldous Huxley...

My Blog

Ultime Nuove

Mamma mia, ultimamente sto sempre a lavora'. Scusatemi se non rispondo subito a friend request o messaggi qui su MaiSpace. Come al soloito, la maniera piu' sicura per contattarmi, e avere una risposta...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:23:00 PST

Vengo a Roma

Pero' non so ancora quando.Mia nonna non sta bene, e i miei mi hanno chiesto di tornare presto. Probabilmente verro' verso i primi di Marzo. Vorrei sapere da voi che disponibilita' avete e che cose be...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:09:00 PST

Deleted? I'm moving!

All my local friends should now be added by have deleted most of you from this MySpace, since I prefer to have all my local people in one place. If you really want to st...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:07:00 PST

IMPORTANT - switching MySpace accounts

Hello there!This MySpace is getting too messy for me. I have tons of friends from Italy here, and then I got a bunch of you locals. It's getting confusing for me, and somehow I think even for you.Abou...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:33:00 PST

Romeo and Juliet on Fire! is Prokofyev's Romeo and Juliet with fire performers and capoeira. The video looks all kinds of yummy. I wish I lived in California right now....
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 09:01:00 PST

Fear is a mighty teacher

Fear teaches me to have courage and invites me to plumb the depths of my faith.I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I have been offered many opportunities to explore my creativity. These last we...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST

AAARGH! I may be offline for a while

All my computers are dead or dying. I am writing from Kirk's mac...My (new for me, refurbushed recently) laptop is giving me nothing but grief, especially after adding new memory. I am now doing my se...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:53:00 PST

Ma tutti qui siete???

Ma insomma, tutti qui vi siete nascosti, in piena vista??? Io MySpace non lo avevo mai calcolato... Sono sempre su LiveJournal, pero' ( Poi, adesso che stavo a ...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:51:00 PST

A few of the Things I Know about Her

I posted this a while ago on my LiveJournal as well, but it has been spooking in my head a lot lately, so I thought I'd share it with you on this forum. This comes from "The Illuminati Papers" by the ...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 04:04:00 PST


Questo post ' per i miei amici romani che spero magari mi ritroveranno tramite MySpace... Io saro'qui per poco piu' di una settimana, fino al 26 di Ottobre. Se mi volete vedere, chiamate o mandate un ...
Posted by Glenda LotusEyes on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 03:35:00 PST