acrida profile picture


figlia d'europa il mio sangue è la storia

About Me

plz read this
i am the one who created this layout . i am a html and css lover . i am wearing #ff0066 nail polish, of course . i am the right person to customize and completely override your myspace . i am just going to ask for something in change . i am not a money fan . i am more into trading when possible
i dont accept having more then 200 elements on my friendlist . i don't add you if your profile has alpha transparencies on table backgrounds . i don't add you if we have too much in common . i don't add you if you try gettingmy attention . i don't add you if your top list is full of females with fake boobs . i don't add you if i dont like your default picture . i don't add you if your myspace is full of useless shit . i don't add you if your myspace colors don't match
i delete you if you never comment . i delete you if you never leave messages . i delete you if you never post bullettins . i delete you if you post a bullettin i don't like . i delete you as soon as i understand you're useless for my network
i keep you if you make tekno . i keep you if you own a sound system . i keep you if we hang out together . i keep you if we are different . i keep you if i am learning something for you . i keep you if your myspace looks good
the slide show
random pictures

My Interests

0 . 1 . 180bpm . 23 . 3.14 . 8bit . ada byron . agylla . allah akbar . aphex twin . aquarium . arcade . assembling . astral awareness . atari . babylon . ballet . beauty . beetles . binary code . biting . blades . blood . body building . bones . boolean algebra . cable . cartago . cats . children . chris cunningham . circuit bending . cleaning . coding . collective conciousness . communication . computers . cooking . creative cooking . css . cyberpunk . dead animals . degreasing . dux . efficiency . electronics . empathy . etruria . exadecimal code . face slap . family . fasting . fighting . fintech . fish . flesh . flowers . frienship . free parties . french tekno . gardening . george boole . gore . gotek . guts . hair pulling . hamas . happy tek . hard tek . hardware . health . ??? ?? . hezbollah . housekeeping . html . inanna . incense . insects . instinct . iron . jodorowsky . knives . learning languages . lego . life . longboard . looking into your eyes . love . machines . metal in mouth . minimal tekno . myspace customizing . myspace overriding . multitasking . muscles . nasrallah . nature . needles . nes . nintendo . no additives . no drugz . no smoke . no sugar . numbers . obsolete machines . old skool free parties . oop . organic food . out of body experience . overriding css . plants . popoli . psicomagia . programming . purification . rgb . richard d. james . roma . rsi . rubber johnny . scratching . scrima . sea . sex . shared conciousness . slavery . solchis . space invaders . spanking . spoons . submission . subway . surfing . sushi . tea . teknival . tekno . total control . trains . tribetek . vintage hardware . walking . war . web . webcoding . webdesign . webprogramming . wine . wires . woods




alejandro jodoroswky : el topo
alejandro jodorowsky : the holy mountain
Steven Lisberger : tron
Peter Weir : picnic at hanging rock
Godfrey Reggio : koyaanisquatsi
luis buñuel : el angel esterminador
stanley kubrick : full metal jacket
stanley kubrick : a clockwork orange
stanley kubrick : 2001 space odissey
ridley scott : alien
james cameron : aliens
luc besson : lèon
luc besson : joan of arc
quentin tarantino : pulp fiction
oliver stone : natural born killers
lars von trier : dancer in the dark
Shinya Tsukamoto : tetsuo the ironman
Katsuhiro Otomo : akira
tod browning : freaks
ruggero deodato : cannibal holocaust


i dont watch television. i download series.


neal stephenson : snow crash
douglas coupland : microservi
alejandro jodorowsky : i vangeli per guarire
alejandro jodorowsky : la danza della realtà
william gibson : burning chrome
william gibson : monna lisa overdriv
boccaccio : decamerone


ada byron

My Blog

> * <

ho già salvato una vita.posso salvarne altre.
Posted by acrida ai ai aiz! on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:18:00 PST

> ture, false <

in questi giorni ci sono stati avvenimenti che mi hanno portata a domandarmi:da dove scaturisce la linearità?quel formicolio di piacere che si consolida quando sei coerente con i tuoi sentimenti. ogni...
Posted by acrida ai ai aiz! on Tue, 01 May 2007 05:09:00 PST

> aquile e cinghiali <

ti svegli che sei un'altra. ma in verità ancora non è successo.davanti allo specchio lo vedi. gli occhi sono asciutti. i capelli si muovono a cazzo sulle spalle. e sullo zigomo la prima ferita da comb...
Posted by acrida ai ai aiz! on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:42:00 PST

> untitled 1 <

ho fatto una cosa nuova. vi avviso le altre saranno tutte cosi. per un bel pò.dettagli su misure materiali e cose cosi in questa pagina qui....
Posted by acrida ai ai aiz! on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 02:40:00 PST

> ..acrida plays with food <

in cucina ho un pò di punti. cucinare è una di quelle attività nate apposta per un'acrida lattaja. ecco i motivi:. ci si sporca le mani. si usano tutti i sensi. bisogna essere pazienti....
Posted by acrida ai ai aiz! on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:39:00 PST